Legalize it?

I know this has prolly been talked about before but the only thread i found on it dates back to 2006 so i figured might as well start over.So i recently had to write a paper for my PIG class on a government topic. I chose Legalizing Marijuana. I was just curious to what you guys feel about this topic ? Should it stay illegal or be legalizedand why or why not? Feel free to post any input.


lol omgz the poll is split!

it’s not that bad.

All drugs… this poll fucking blws

wouls save us a ton odf $$$$

Yay we can finally agree.

I honestly don’t mind the people who do it and don’t really ever talk about it. But I still think it’s dumb.

I really hate the sweet 4:20 stonerzzzz that are like “OMG weed is teh shiz y0”

Drugs are dumb.

yes. I would rather smoke and melt to the couch then get drunk and be an ass hole. I haven’t smoked in a LOOOOOOONG time. Well over a year

Legalize it already. Cigarette’s are more dangerous than weed…

i did it a long time ago, and it was ok, just not my thing… but your beef with it is really no different than a drinker getting drunk and yelling how drunk he is…

personally i cant remember the last time i heard bout the guy that came home, got high, then beat up his wife, or other things that alcohol is notorious for.

if it was legalized would i do it, probably not still, but i personally dont see the harm in it…

Eh, drinking in moderation is okay, or with a few friends occasionally. But same deal, It’s the retarded people that ruin it.

true, but i also never heard bout the guy that smoked himself to death.

most people that are really obnoxious when they drink or cause so much pain for other people, have no idea what moderation is… if i get drunk, i can always get more drunk and more violent, stupid, irrational… if i get high, im not gonna get more high… the only thing im gonna do is eat more food and play xbox

Not to basically have a debate in the thread, I completely agree with you. I mean sure I’m only 18 and I shouldn’t be drinking as is. When I do it’s usually at my friends house. We toss our car keys in his parents room for the nite, go down to the basement and just have a good time. We’re a little more mature than going and fucking with people and/or things. It happens all the time I know. Neither thing is really good at least for personal health reasons, but pick your poison I suppose.

legalize has so many meanings. Just beause it is supposedly “legal” in canada now does not mean you can go into a store, buy a joint, light it up and walk out onto the street with it. If we were to legalize to full extent of selling it over the counter at corner stores, gas stations and cigar shops, it would open several new doors for the american economy and the world economy. Police could spend more time on worthwhile calls instead of breakling up house parties, and the prisons would be less crowded. On the downside, if you get one wrong leader in office our coutry could turn into amsterdam and nothing would ever get done. Plus there would be a lot of isseues like, should people still have to take a drug test for employment reasons. What would the laws be while driving under the effects of it. Things of this nature. So in other words it could complicate things but i think the goods highly outweigh the bads. O ya and i still wouldnt smoke it.

a debate isnt necessarily a bad thing as long as it stays on topic and both parties can understand each others view without getting upset that the other disagrees with them… thats mostly the problem on here…

but i agree with the pick your poison part, both have their downfalls, the stereotypical “stoner” is usually pegged as dumb, waste of society, lazy etc, but i know some people that smoke up that would blow you away with their intelligence…

now as i said, am i pushing for legalization? no, it doesnt matter to me either way, but do i think that it NEEDS to be illegal? no… to me its no less evil than other vices that ARE legal out there now… as for the gateway drug theory, i think thats complete bullshit. if you do meth cause smoke a bowl, you were gonna do it anyway, whether you were drunk or high. thats a different kind of feeling

You hit the nail right on the head. I know many extremely smart people who smoke weed. I just think it’s dumb that they do it because of the negative effects on ones health. That’s honestly the main reason I dislike it, aside from the high school cult following it has gained. It’s not the cool thing to do. People aren’t impressed or turned on by it. Thats really the shit that makes me dislike it. I dislike it just as much as I dislike cigarettes.

Now, honestly… I think we should focus less on trying to bust every kid on the street who’s got weed for himself and focus more on much larger, real problems. Just keep it out of schools, the obvious public, and keep it on the DL and I’d be perfectly fine with that.

it should definatly be legalized for medical reasons. my friend has a brain tumor and no matter what kind of crazy drugs the doctors perscribe to her, marjuana is the only thing that consistantly reduces the seizures.

i also believe it should be decriminalized. it doesnt make any sense to load up our prisons with potheads. but i understand that because of the millions of dollars taxpayers spend to enforce this countries drug policy that many people’s livelyhoods depend on marijuana being illegal. so i cant see any change of policy in the near future.

i’m for it

collect taxes on it, be done with it

blah blah blah, if you use a vaporizer it eliminates all smoke and toxins :slight_smile: