Legalize it?

I agree with this. It has been proven valuable to patients for medicinal use. It helps increase the appetite and also makes pain toleration easier.

theyre comparing plant to plant. tobacco in its NATURAL form. the shit you get from marlboror and the like is exponentially worse than some purple sticky punch.

medically, yes.

any other reason, no.

don’t criticize it

i want to know why everyone says no… whats your reasoning?

something to bitch about.

but they can go out and get crippled on alcohol and thats ok!!!

exactly… everyones quick to say no, but not backing up their decision… i can see if we were talking about coke, heroin etc.

im just curious to see the other side of peoples rationality on it.

i fucking LOVE smoking weed, and ill do it every day of my life until I die or go broke.

alcohol is obviously more dangerous blah blah blah… and I wouldnt be upset if it was flipped around and alcohol was illegal and pot was legalized. there would be WAAAAYYYYYYYY less problems in the world. ugh wheres my weed…


I’m a big hypocrit when it comes to alcohol. I drink but I hate every minute of it

How about this.


still havent seen a good argument on the no side.

my arguement is that I just will never try it.

Who said I need one.
The shit is illegal.
People want it legalized so they can have it and not be arrest/fined/fired.
Yeah, It is not that bad for you blah blah blah
Better than alcohol and cigarettes blah blah blah
I have never heard a good argument on the legalize it side.
Just defenses about “smart stoners” and other bullshit.

Yep, But it is super important to make it legal…I think we have enough people dependent on shit in the country as it is, should we really add more into the mix?
Your average person is barely responsible for their actions as it is.
Just what I want is someone stoned off their ass driving or going to work or having to deal with their shit in public.
My argument - The bad outweighs the good on this one. Good - the small portion of medical treatments.

ugh the smell… I hate the smell… I would be a fucking angry asshole if I had to deal with all the people smoking that shit everywhere

I think they should legalize then tax it.Huge revenue.They would have to find an effective way to give like a breathalizer for weed to know if you smoked to much to drive.
I hate how people who drink think its a bad idea just because they never tried it.from my expierence its usually safer to smoke up then to drink.It will probably create more jobs as well.

you probably deal with it more than you think. you know how many people go out on lunch from work and smoke a fatty? places say that they do random drug testing but never do it. they test you before you get the job and never test you again.

oh, and people drink and drive all the time so lets make alcohol illegal while we are at it.

i see it as if you want to smoke one at home after work, on the weekend, pretty much the same as you would drink alcohol then there should be no problems and should be legal.

I backed up my side.

Seems like you’re awfully dependent on weed, that’s not really a good thing…

iv done my fair share or pot smoking and i say it should be legalized to a certain extent. all you asshats just saying no because its already illegal is a weak excuse. its you people who are the first to complain about which president got voted in, but your dumbass didnt even go and vote.

smoking and driving is def not a good idea, that should not be allowed. this arguement could go on for years and both sides would have valid points, but so far i havent seen or heard a valid arguement from the no side other than the fact that its already illegal.

no shit, we already know that, but exactly why is it illegal?

Weed is a waste.

your a waste, back-up your arguement or gtfo of this thread