Legalize it?

I have yet to see a motivated Succesful stoner, in the real world that isnt music or drug related.

to the people say “make it legal and tax it”. That just cracks me up. like people would go to the store and pay the extra tax on weed. common… you would just continue to buy from your dealer as there prices would have no tax and be cheaper. I can see it now man “they are taxing weed to hold us down man…” “using our money to fight the war man” that turns into “don’t buy legal weed that just funds the machine”.

I know I am stereotyping but stereotypes are around for a reason.

what is the bad, do u drink alcohol, do u remember back in the day when they had prohibition??

All these people looking down on us for smoking a plant or growing a plant, how could a plant be a crime??? they say we have freedom but how free are we, we get thrown in jail and locked up for smokin a plant, i think that they need to worry about real crimes, do u know how much they spent on the war on drugs in just one year, 11billion dollars, down the drain, they need to leagalize freedom by freeing the plant. people are judged, harassed and thrown in jail for smoking a plant, its crazy, and to think that alcohol takes lives and with pot no one dies!

WHERE IS THE BAD? i do belive that they even use marijiana in the management of severe symptoms such as pain, spasm, bladder dysfunction and nausea and could therefore bring a dramatic improvement in quality of life for people with aids wasting syndrome, glaucoma, alzheimers disease, hypertesion, arthritis, multiple sclerosis, asthma, nail patella syndrome, ,brain injury, stroke, spinal injury, epilepsy, tourettes syndrom, eating disorders and tons of other shit

i have read that teenagers who smoke marijuana but not tobacco appear to be more likely to get good grades, play sports and live with both parents than those who also use tobacco. teens who smoke pot were more likely to have a good relationship with their friends than teens who smoked neither tobacco or pot

i have already done papers on this topic back when i was in school…and i passed

People make it seem like its everything, its what there whole life is about.It also makes money for rappers who can’t sing about real stuff.It makes the brain slow and can cause car accidents because of reaction time.I also don’t get the hype, I hated being high and the months of after effects I felt after being high once(which wasn’t normal, but still happens to people short term).
I’m not gonna argue for alcohol though because it impairs driving alot worse and can have a bad affect on people.


i’m not going to lie…i’ve smoked it. i’d rather smoke than drink, but thats me. i can see both sides of the story…i understand why people don’t want it legal and why others do. i say legalize. it…not to have everyone walking around being ripped all day (theres enough people who do that)…but just that if they tax it the state and govt will profit and maybe make up for the war costs.

I’ve also met some pretty smart people who smoke pot. it helps people unwind and relax and you can put away everyday stress for a while. is that right? some people say yes…some no. if you’re a relaxed pot smoker and do it occasionally or at a party…i don’t care. i’m for legalizing it.

It’s not for everyone, i understand. but i agree with 94blackls, i havnet heard of people dying while they’re high, or smoking too much. It’s just a plant, people burn it, it’s natural. i just don’t see it as a big deal. oh well…now lets see how many people flame me for this post :stuck_out_tongue:

No, I don’t.
Also, I am not going to debate on a high school intelligence level.

Yep, whole war on drugs is wasted on marijuana.
Yep, No one has ever died in connection with marijuana use.

Come on what about FREEDOM!!!one!
It’s just a plant!

Yep, If you work some bullshit part time job at home depot.

and with that I am done.
This gets debated all the time, I have no desire to waste any more time.

Holy picard.
get to your nearest community college and crash an eco101 class. Now. supply, demand, meet retard.

do you really think an ounce of a plant easily growable costs a couple hundred dollars to manufacture? That 99% of it isnt fees related to smuggling, markup at 10 different levels, and motivation to take the risk of getting arrested?

they could put a 100% tax on the legal product and it would still be MUCH cheaper than it is now.

So, I don’t smoke, at all, I’m an alcoholic, not a stoner. Here’s why I say yes

-There’s a HUGE percentage of people in jail because of it. We’re paying for it. Jails are overcrowded because of it. We’re spending a LOT of $ to pay the police that enforce it.

-To make it illegal brings a stronger taboo to it, if everyone can use it, dealers/prices would plummet,less crime because of it.

As far as the tax thing,no, they cant tax it, too difficult, BUT, the businesses that can can populate as smoke houses or pipe shops will incur taxes, so there’s still more money to be made.

Use the same rules as alcohol. No smoking and driving, no smoking in public places, or being under the influence outside.

It seems the time and money spent trying to enforce the illlegalization and the marketing spent on “drugs are bad, m’kay” could be better used elsewhere.

high school intellegence, i still havent herd a reason as to why it is bad? what is your backing argument, mcgruff?

no, because Americans are dumb enough without the help.

I always LOL when people use the “it’s not as bad as ______” argument. It’s not going to improve your life –

I’m undecided on the medicinal use because as soon as you take away the part that makes people get high nobody wants it anymore.

there are always going to be people who will want to take risks to get $$$$$ so if pot was legal these same people would still be in jail for something else illegal. so I don’t buy that argument for a second. It might even be for driving while stoned and killing somebody since obviously that will happen more often.


Agreed (even tho I don’t care for either)

Anyone have a reason why it should be legalized?

What GOOD does it do for you?

Fixed :wink:

lol… well who, at 20-27 needs pot for medicinal purposes… anyone have glaucoma yet?

omg you’re so awesome, thanks for fixing his post. you made it so much better.


i hope you are as smart in person as you are on here

Nah, I feel no need to be a smart ass. I know you do and are.
What’s with everyones maturity level today? Keep shit on topic. If you have a problem with me then fucking PM me.

I always thought people stopped smoking weed after high school. Apparently I’ve been wrong for a while.