Legalize it?

yea i don’t know… I thought so too… It seems like such a white trash drug… lol losers

(not you personally but the mindset)

coming from people that get trashed beyond recognition and stumble home, fight, or drive drunk

These people have no right to call weed white trash, evil, or even BAD for that matter. Alcohol is one of the worst vices there is.

It too, USED to be illegal.

shaking babies is as bad as alcohol, so shaking babies should be legal.

^ shuts em up damn quick

using alcohol as the reason why it should be legal, is shitty. Two wrongs don’t make a right.

Last time i smoked was in 2002, I think i’ve smoked 2-3x in my entire life, and I never once enjoyed it. It makes people unproductive, retarded, and develop poor habits. It costs a ton of money, and its trashy. It smells like shit (that goes with all smoking). Its Illegal. You normally have to associate with other losers to get it. When people get stoned, they get creative, tired, loopy, happy, etc etc… i dont need a rainbow of emotions on the road driving when I’m driving, esp when people would just go get high all the time, drive home from point xx and when they get pulled over… what recourse do they cops have. How can they test how much you have smoked? Fuck that, i think its retarded. There is my opinion, I’ll probably come back with more later…

Oh yea… its trashy… Trashy people smoke… so do sick people… where do you fall?

Medically. I suppose if it helps your condition then so be it. But realistically, the only time i feel it should be allowed is when you’re terminally ill and its helping you cope with lost appetite, functionality, etc etc… other than that…


EDIT: for the people that say the STAY ILLEGAL side doesnt have a good argument… pffft… educate yourselves

I work in an ER in buffalo, i see about 10 heroin patients a week, coming in because they are getting methadone… do you think they started doing heroin first? no… highly doubtful… these people are low lifes on medicaid, mooching off the system to get a buzz… it is highly unlikely that the methadone they try to get from the ER or pathways is the only buzz they get.

I WISH THEY WOULD JUST END THEMSELVES… hows that for an opinion on the subject…

*10 people a week.

  • In a tiny ER in buffalo
    *they are only in the ER because they missed their appointment at pathways because they are so unproductive and they cant set a clock
  • when they dont get their drugs, THEY CRY like little babies…
  • I figure if i see 10 a week, pathways probably 10x that amount
  • Guess who pays for all this shit? the non smokers who actually work a state taxed job do.

Oh cool, im paying for people to piss away their worthless lives. go ahead and OFF YOURSELF already

/rant. fuck drugs


you are all funny.


Legalize it. Then again i give 2fucks. I smoke it anyways. :slight_smile:

read my post

Legalize, or make many other things illegal.

I could care less really as it’s only an very occasional thing for me, but if you’re going to make that one particular thing illegal, don’t be a hypocritical bitch and make many other things just as, if not much more harmful, legal.

Should we make Tylenol illegal because some small-minded people can go out an OD on Tylenol? Should we illegalize cough medicine because small minded people are able to trip themselves on cough syrup?

Marjuana is not heroiin or meth. Not even CLOSE to the same plane, so don’t even try to bring that shit into the picture.

you dont think the people who do coke started on marijuana? I dont smoke and I havent the slightest clue where id find coke if i wanted to, but i bet My pot smoking friends would have an idea.

Yes, they are 2 completely different beasts, but dont disagree that they are interrelated in the path they lead down in many cases, because that is ignorant

Well, the people who started smoking pot, likely were around drinking as well. So should we take that away too?

It’s a cycle where you could end up illegalizing A massive amount of currently legal substances because some people will always want more and more.

the poll has spoken. nyspeed is allowed to smoke weed.

alcohol is legal, i can buy that at a store, never have i said OMG i just had a beer… where can i find coke… which was the direction my post was stated.

Weed is the slippery slope into failing at life.

And there are a great majority of people who have smoked weed, and never said “Oh man! I nee to go do some meth!!!”

It’s pointless to debate though, becase opinions are never changed.

From my perspective though, I don’t see any reasons valid enough for them to have it illegal.

Its illegal, It isnt changing anytime soon.

Deal with it.

Alcohol and Tobacco are legal. deal with it.

Bunch of fucking whiners

i smoked weed all day every day for almost 3 yesrs, and I was EASILY convinced to try other drugs. Ive done vicatin, adderal, valium, coke, and mushrooms…and i did them all in enough volume to get pretty fucked up

so there ya go, it aint bullshit, its the truth

Yea word. and Tom is practically retarded now…