Opinions on public smoking?

Ok, so im doing a paper on public smoking. The objective is to firmly argue against it or for it. I have done some research on the topic and have began to write the paper however i thought it would be cool to get more of a general public opinion on it. So what i ask is if guys could leave me alittle feedback on if you are for or against this subject. Alittle reason why would be cool too. Any responses would be greatly appreciated. If i am out of my mind for requesting this that would be cool to know as well, well thanks in advance to any responders

i think public cock smoking should be against the law

i hate it… walking down the street and I have to avoid peoples smoke… its fucking redicious.


until cars/buses/etc… don’t pollute there’s no reason why you can’t smoke in public…as far as bars go it’s fucking BS, go to another fucking bar!

I don’t smoke anymore

But I am all for public smoking, its part life deal withit

thats dumb joe…

thats true for the environment… i don’t have to walk behind buses and cars… i walk down the street and I have to breath in smoke from 10000 people smoking… its a fuck-in nuisance.

i know im in a different situation because i walk in large cities… i hate it.

LOL. So lemme get this straight. You expect the majority of the country to breathe your smoke and have their clothes smell like shit because of a choice you’ve made?

:cjerk: :word: I have habits of throwing my fists and spraying vinegar into the air. It relaxes me. If you happen to get punched in the face and vinegar on you while you’re just trying to have a drink with friends and don’t like it, go to another bar! So what if my habit harms your health and make you smell? Not my problem.

i love all the joe hate.


c’on joe, fire back, i need some entertainment today!

i hate smoking, it pisses me off everyday i get out of school and at the doors there are like 20 people all smoking and i have to walk thought all of them. i hold my breath until i pass them so i dont breath that crap in

It depends on the situation. If someone else is doing something that is going to harm my health and/or well being then I’m sure as fuck not the one that has to be accomodating. If you’re going to choose to smoke then you also have to choose to not bother those who were smart enough to never start smoking and/or strong enough to quit. As long as I’m not choking on your smoke or walking on the butt you just littered then smoking in public is fine. If I’m breating your shit or smelling like ass because of you or living with trash on sidewalks/near building entrances then there’s a problem.

I don’t hate joe as a matter of fact i have never met the dude and usually agree with his posts most of the time. This is his opinion, it sucks IMO but whatever. Oh and he likes pearl jam which is gay…

That too, every doorway to every public entrance seems to be littered with this shit. Its pretty fucking gross.

when i used to smoke it didn’t bother me… since i quit… it’s nasty… i hate walking through it. uck…its nice not to have smoke in bars or restaurants now.

:word: Even if I don’t agree with him his posts are usually at least somewhat intelligent, which is more than I can say for 99% of the crap I read on here. This one was just self defense though.

meh. smoking FTL… I don’t like my apartment smelling like smoke either…


I don’t see how it’s any other persons decision than the owner of the bar

I walk into my workplace and in front of the building I have 20 people sitting there smoking. I walk through this gigantic cloud of smoke.

I didn’t choose to smoke, i don’t want anyone else making that choice for me.

I hate the group of people standing right at the front doors a building, smoking there because they can’t do it inside. I hate the people that throw their cigarettes out the car window when they are done with their smoke. Part of me says hey they are killing themselves why should I care, but on the other hand it makes me mad that some people I work with smoke, and get sick much more often than me, but yet we pay the same amount for healthcare. Is that fair?

Go to almost any other country and smoking rules are 10 times more leniant. When I was in Mexico it was a smokers dream. You couldn’t go anywhere to get away from it.

Edit: I do agree with limitations on smoking to an extent.