Is it accepted?!?

Marijuana… I’m surprised this hasn’t been discussed…

To be honest I’m against it and have lost many friends to it. Of course i have tried it…who hasn’t?

I called someone a “Faggot” this evening for smoking dope and they got “ragged” and later that night I heard he had a knife and would have no problem stabbing me! WTF… this isn’t Detroit!

I just have a stereotype of pot heads of not finishing high school and being lazy (which was this dude, and a lot of Peterborough) He was pissed because I called him a lowlife, cant remember exactly what i said…

Do you have a future smoking dope all you life?..Discuss.

id say alcohol is worse… how many people go out and get wasted every night at the bar/club/university/etc… and then think of all the bad shit that happens because of it. Fights, unplanned pregnancies, car crashes, destruction of property.

I don’t smoke but i’d say weed doesn’t exactly have those kinds of effects. If anything its more associated with a perspective of individuals who some as stated describe those as “low lifes.” I would consider that profiling and we have all been victims of profiling, and its simply incorrect to do so.

weed to me is just like any other person smoking a cig.

Both drugs and alcohol are gay, and gay is acceptable.

Can’t really hold it against anyone, unless you care about their future.

No good can come of either

um very touchy subject… dude. i have graduated, i’m a mechanic. All my friends smoke. matter of fact i really don’t know many people that don’t smoke weed. i smoke cause i have crazy adhd and it calms my shit down… we are not low lifes. weed doesnt make u wanna stab people it makes u wanna eat munchies… laugh and then sleep. its not a bad combo.
its people like that guy who said he wanted to stab you that set the stereotypes for people like you to reference off of. I know people that are ceo’s of companies like my friends dad and shit. he is a regular pot head and he is a rich mofo. the owner of the speedy glass i went to the other day was smoking a joint when i went there. its everywhere. so dont hate. lol im going to smoke some weed now and go get my motor running… really man you should hang around with non looser stoners. or if u dont like weed just avoid it. i would be more worried about crack heads. people who do meth and coke and shit…

Life is all about balance, a little bit of everything will not harm you.

Self control, and discipline are very important for people who are in that experimental stage in life, unfortunately we all have friends who lack the above and fail to draw the line.

I graduated high school, went to college. I smoke multiple times a day. I have a full time job currently. I have smoke everyday (pretty much) for 2-3 years. I actually had to write a paper on legalization of marijuana for my credit.
I smoke rather than to go out to the bars. With weed I can relax, chill with friends, play some video games, whatever. Being drunk I try and start fights, Talk so much shit. I’m an asshole when I only drink.
Now if I smoke then drink, I’m calm but can’t get “drunk”. If I drink then smoke I get the feeling like I’m falling backwards off a building or something. (love that feeling)
Marijuana is actually a pretty safe drug. in my eyes. before I do anything I research, and weed turns out to be pretty decent.

More People Smoke Weed in Canada Then in Holland (Canada 19% admit to smoking it daily)(Holland is 17%)
I Know I’ve spend WAY to much money on weed. but whatever I have some pretty good memories.
As Varun said everything in moderation. I wish I listened when people told me that. Cause truly its the best way to enjoy marijuana.
If marijuana were to be legalized it would put the foresting industry out of business. marijuana grows into a full plant in four months and almost anything can be made out of HEMP.

I would suggest marijuana to anyone that wanted to try it but was scared.
I would also suggest shrooms to ANYONE.

Marijuana all in all is alot safer that Alcohol. and should be legalized

Good memories.

I know MANY, MANY successful people that smoke marijuana.

By successful I don’t just mean graduating high school and working at the corner grocery store. These are successful entrepreneurs earning tons of money.

It all comes down to your personality – can you handle it? Too much of anything is probably never good. The same goes for weed and alcohol. A tiny bit of certain things is always bad, i.e. cigarettes.

On the other hand, I know a lot of people who are hindered by their use of marijuana – it’s really all about who you are. There are tons of people going nowhere in life who don’t smoke weed or drink alcohol.

I’m bias just because my old friends that are now stoners do nothing and don’t go to school…

I forgot to add in the initial post though, that yes i know there are ALOT of successful people in the world that smoke.

But everyone has there own opinion, I don’t like it because it broke a couple good friendships up.

I’ve never tried it. I don’t agree with your generalization that pot heads are the type to not finish high school though.

I hear ya, and know people in similar situations. It all comes down to the person on an individual basis.

But also remember, school does not necessarily = success. Far from it I’d say.

^ Also not saying school is bad, it can be great. Again, it all depends on who you are and what you want to do with yourself.

Once again, I know MANY, MANY people that have graduated University or College and are working retail for minimum wage. Many people.

Yeah I shouldn’t of said it like that, way to general. Was trying to say that alot of people in ptbo are like that.

Again, I’m really not showing the other side, there are also alot of ppl that do it that are chill and successful.

Just seems like I run into alot of the douchebags

honestly, everything in moderation. with that said, i went to college with a guy who was always stoned. literally. he was always high. smartest person i have ever met. this guy re-worked a math formula so instead of it taking 5 steps and 20-25 minutes, it only takes one step and 5 minutes now.

but i also have friends that are smoking all the time, and doing nothing with themselves.

personally, no, i don’t smoke. unless its a friday night and were all drinking, then maybe. like i said at the start of the post though, everything in moderation.

amen brother.
in todays society people are “made” to go to post secondary.
I have friends in there last year of university that still have no idea what they want to do with there lives.
I have friends that are uni grads and still work call centers.

for me weed relaxes me about my debt/future and lets me live in the now. I’m happy for once, and I believe that weed helped me quite a bit

It’s been said already in the thread, but a lot of my friends, who are engineers or new grads, business grads, etc. all smoke weed basically every day. I know a lot of really smart guys that smoke all the time, but I also know a lot of lazy/useless guys that still live with their parents and mooch off them.

Like the guys said, it’s really about the person, not the weed. A lot of people stay away from it because of the pothead stereotype…it is less harmful than a lot of things, especially when there’s no “pinch”, so to each his own in my opinion.

weed is ghey

drinking is ghey also (if you do it to get wasted)

i work full time have a project car that gets work done on it live at home while still losing weight/ getting healthier and i may smoke 2/3 times a weekn some times i dont smoke for weeks other times its a rough day at work and i have a pinner i use to have a really bad temper and it started going away while smoking then i quit for 4/5 months and my temper came back so form time to time i do and i dont regret it.

ever seen the movie the union?
its on google video, pretty crazy movie
its a hour and 40 minutes long but its worth it


… Fobwall likes penis LOL!!!

OMG it’s in the lead Bahahahahaha!!!

…poor Mark, the shit you guys do behind his back makes me sick, you should all be ashamed of your selfs, now bow your heads in shame.

I like where this is going.