do you/have you smoked weed?

its a private poll so dont worry

tell your stories if you like

i used to smoke week a lot when i was younger, but stopped because it made me paranoid as fuck. couldn’t handle the shit

so… do you/have you?


never touched the stuff

used to smoke everyday, i hate people that smoke now

In the same boat as you Jam… I used to love the stuff. Eventually whenever I started smoking it i just got paranoid and very self conscious. I would start judging myself for smoking it, instead of just relaxing and enjoying it… I guess I just know a lot of stoners and I never, ever want to be like them. SO yea, I don’t touch the stuff any more. Maybe I just grew out of it.

Nope, also i fucking hate hippies.


I still enjoy smoking a few times a year in small amounts.

I dated a pot head for a year and had to hang out with her loser ass fucking friends. I hate hate fucking hate hippies mother fuckkkk. Gets me so pissed.

bill your not very fun when ur angry :frowning:

used to smoke every once and a while in high school and shit but the stuff never did it for me. That and ive had a few people close to me disappear and turn into brian dead pieces of shit from smoking the shit 24/7

this one time yo, all my friends came over n shit wuz crazy

“So,” came the prodding voice of my friend’s girlfriend, “I want to know why you won’t smoke.”

I replied with a simple, “I smoke.” She shook her head in disagreement, as I obviously misunderstood her.

“No, I mean WEED.”

“Uh, because I like my brain cells?”

“But I mean, you won’t even try it just once?”

This was where my journey began. I wasn’t really sure what choice to make. Do I say “Yes”? Do I say “No”? After all, it’s only one time, what could it hurt? What if I get hooked on it though? However, I HAVE always said things shouldn’t be judged without at least giving them a try first. So I made the decision that gave me more immediate, quick-to-please options.

“Yeah, sure. I’ll try it at least once.” The knowing smiles on all my friends’ faces was a little unnerving, yet calming at the same time. A slow ten minutes had passed by before someone finally shouted, “OKAY, WE’RE READY!”

They let me have what they called “greens” or “first hit”. I took in a puff of smoke and swallowed, not really knowing what to… my lungs were BURNING! For the first few seconds they held that smoky cloud, the only thing on my mind was… WATER!! I. NEED. WATER!!! My coughing could be heard throughout the neighborhood, I was certain. Finally someone handed me something to drink and the pain subsided.

“So,” I said as nonchalantly as possible, “how long is this supposed to take before I feel anything?”

As soon as the words left my mouth, I couldn’t remember what I’d said, or how long ago I’d said it. Next to immediately, everyone around me seemed as if they were approaching me from a dream.

“Dude, you all right?” asked one of my friends with a genuinely concerned look on his face. Damn he looked funny! His eyebrows were all scrunched up together into the bridge of his nose, and the wide eyes he had pointing towards me were absolutely hilarious. I couldn’t keep myself from laughing. I must have sat there for weeks laughing at his face while he looked back at me seriously wondering if I was okay or not.

“Yo man, this stuff’s the SHIIIIT…” I said, in what was easily the goofiest voice I’d ever used. “Oh, man! You know what’d be GREAT right now? Like, some noodles! With like, a creamy garlic sauce? Oooh, or popcorn! No! No, I got it. Ok, you guys ready for this? Kettle. Corn. Yeah man, kettle corn!”

From miles away I heard one of my friends chuckling. "Heh, heh litte bro’s

got the munchies, yo."

“Hells yeah, I got the munchies! Food sounds fuckin’ great right now!”

After I’d had a sufficient amount of pasta, popcorn, and various TV dinners, I found myself completely exhausted. My parents weren’t home yet, but my friends had all already left at some point during my ass getting kicked at Magic: The Gathering. Or maybe they left during that Wizard of Oz thing they were talking about, I wasn’t really sure. All I was sure about was that I was wiped. I went to bed, and had the best night’s sleep I’d ever had in my life.

Occasionally if I feel the need.

it seemed like 80% of the ppl i met in buffalo were down w/ the ganj… :tup:

I know it makes me super fucking cool when I smoke. I do it all the time so people like me







used to smoke an ounce a day. got in some trouble, quit cold turkey, never looked back.

but she smashed

:tdown: hate drugs.