So I was heading to the store to get cigarettes...

I pulled into the Mobil gas station and sat in my truck for about fifteen minutes.

I decided there, in that parking lot that I wasn’t going to smoke anymore.

That was five days ago. Go me.

PS - It had nothing to do with those stupid bullshit “Truth” commercials. I just think I was ready to stop. I smelled bad and felt like shit all the time.

Great decision. Going to save you a lot fo money and your going to have a lot more energy!

Good for you. Come back in a month if you make it till then.


fuck the money thing, it was only $7/day. I’ve been putting delightful treats in my mouth the past 5 days to circumvent my oral fixation. No homo.

I’m going to end up with cavities and diabetes.

Fuck yeah I will. This isn’t a relationship. I made a decision and I’m going to stick with it.

well, I can think of a lot of better things to spend $2555/year on. Like 2 hours with the spitzer girl.

Get drunk without having one and I will believe it.

I think you should go to the highest mountain in NYS and shout that out for all to hear!


this will be the ultimate test. good thing i don’t get drunk anymore either.


congrats, stay strong.

I was good for almost 2 weeks, got hammered and fell back in.




Congrats man, its such a terrible habit, I have know idea how people do it, stay strong.

A guy I work with just quit after 30+ years. He wants to see his grandkids grow up.

Hope it works out for you :tup:

i’m going to Jos. A. Bank’s and rewarding myself with a couple suits. I guess they are having a HUGE sale. :eekdance:

I quit cold turkey almost 2 years ago. only way to do it IMO. I drank a lot that spring/summer too and never had one.

Nice. Good luck.

A lot of people in my office have quit and ended up gaining weight from their candy and sugar intake from constantly eating.

wooo hoooo

My dad quit last year around Thanksgiving after his 3rd open heart surgery. He just stopped after 30+ years. Good Luck to you man