I'm quitting cigarettes

this is something I’ve wanted to do for a WHILE now, God knows I’ve tried more times that I can count. I’ve had the flu for the past 5 days and have only had a small handful of cigarettes in that time (maybe 3-5), today I’ve only have had one (early this morning) and so far it’s going “ok”… despite the fact that I have to keep telling myself that I really want to quit this time, or else I know I’m going to go running to buy a pack (or kick somebodys ass… I’m at “that” point).

I’d say that I have an addictive personality so I’m sure it’s not going to be easy. What kept you motivated when you quit? My biggest fear is going like 3 weeks without them, then falling off the wagon only to have to start over again. On the plus side, it’s getting to the point where I can’t stand the smell of them and everytime I light one up, I honestly think to myself “why the hell am I still doing this?”

it’s been about 10-11 years, give or take… Has anyone used the patch? How does it work?


Put it on, don’t smoke. I quit for 2 years with the patch. You just need some motivation behind it. But it still doesn’t change the fact that you’re still getting nicotine.

If you can quit for a week cold turkey, you can do it for the long haul.

Its all with the mind. If you really want to quit you will.

word, i quit cold turkey… had one brief relapse about 3 years later for a month before my wedding (only like 3-4 a day though) because i was getting stressed the fuck out but quit again on the honeymoon and haven’t looked back.

The absolute worst is friends that smoke, it is the surefire way to get sucked back in. Try not to hang around any of them for at least a month or you have no fucking chance IMO

edit: also vacations really help… being very relaxed makes it easier I think, getting out of your routines help a lot. All smokers have their times that they always smoke, like driving, after eating, while drinking, right after waking up, blah blah blah. Do something that breaks the routine, when you are driving chew gum or get some cinnamon sticks. After eating same deal. When you’re drinking don’t sit outside on the patio. When you get up in the morning replace that first step to grab a smoke and go for a run or something. It is all about the HABIT, you need to break the cycle up.


I’ve only gone through 15 so far today…I’m doing good. Normally at work I go through at least 30.

yeah, thats going to be THE hardest part. Every single one, minus like 4, of my friends smoke like it’s going out of style.

good thing I don’t really drink anymore, although my cousins wedding is this weekend :\

edit: thanks for the support/replies peeps :tup:

It might sound gay, but try asking them not to smoke around you, if you have good friends they wont… shit maybe even try to get one of them to quit with you.

Be careful hanging out with friends again even after some time… thats how I got back in, I was with one of the guys in my wedding on a stressful day and we were out drinking he offered me one and I was done for for about a month. Getting sucked back in is like the shittiest feeling ever :tdown:

on the plus side, kicking the habit is one of the best feelings ever.

:tup::tup::tup::tup::tup::tup: Good luck.

Luckily for me like 90% of my friends dont smoke…I’ve only been smoking for like 1 1/2 years. I tried to quit a few months ago but it drove me insane. I know the longer you do it the harder it is…but its no fucking walk in the park after a year and a half either. You’re still very addicted.


i suck, i wish i could quit.

i wish you luck :tup:

and why do you smoke again?

my advise… get out while you still can. (like I have room to talk)

smoking is

  1. gross/stinks

  2. stains your teeth

  3. turns ALOT of women off

  4. is seriously bad for your health

  5. costs an arm and a leg

  6. fill in the blank

soooo not worth it, when I started back when I was 15-16, I always thought “I can quit anytime… I’ve only smoked for “X” time”

now, I’m 26… get winded from running around the block and hack up a lung every morning. There is nothing appealing about it

edit: damn, typing that post honestly curbed the craving I was having… maybe I should carry around a journal and when ever it gets bad, just start jotting some shit down about the nasty side effects of smoking lol

patch works like this

u start off with the one that contains nicotine equal to your approximate daily intake, then u gradually work it down to the smallest patch, then u start cutting the smallest patch into halves till eventually ur off of it.

problem is, most people regress cuz of friends, alcohol, both, or can’t get over the oral fixation.

word its fucking gross… you will never be able to date a non smoker, which means you’re pretty much going to be smoking forever when you settle down. Domino effect after that, marry a smoker, live together, smoke in the house all the time, you die at 40 from cancer, your kids develop cancer at the age of 5.

still want that smoke? lol

def true, its the hardest part… like i said, stop hanging around them or ask them not to smoke around you. If it is one of your best friends or something obv. you are not going to stop hanging out with them, but if they are your best friend I would think they would honor your request to not smoke around them to an extent.

Alcohol is a fucking bitch, but it is manageable, sitting outside drinking on patios is a direct path to relapse though :stuck_out_tongue:

i have this problem of being attracted to girls that smoke lol (<3 oral fixations)…but then subconciously ruling them out of the “potential bride” category cuz i can’t trust em to quit while being preggers (<3 being a man)

do whatever you gotta do to quit right?

ive never had the urge to start, way too many of my friends smoke and i can already start to see how its affecting them physically, and they’re 16-18 and only smoked for a year or less… absolutely terrible

Yeah I’m getting over an upper respiratory infucktion. Smoking DOES NOT HELP! I have been hacking shit up constantly and I’ve noticed my endurance has dropped alot. I wont lie…I like smoking…I really enjoy it…but damn I gotta stop this shit. I usually smoke 1 1/2 - 2 packs a day.