ex smokers come in

What did you do to quit? Im thinking about trying that chantix pill. Any thoughts?

Cold turkey. Vomiting ensued. not fun, but it’s over.

Like a bandaid, one FAST swipe.

Will Power?
Orbit white and dasani water is what I used to quit.
Its werid once you quit for x amount of time, its like a switch goes off in your head.
Then the smell of smoke is disgusting, and you start telling other people close to you to quit.
edit: I’ve been quit 3 years

I just quit cold turkey. I smoked for 10+ years.

oh cmon…nobody likes a quitter :wink:

i’ve been thinking about quitting smoking myself.

Do it cold turkey. Its easiest in the long run.

www.whyquit.org has some decent information. But a lot of it is garbage.

cold turkey for sure… and ditch friends that smoke for at least 3 mos.

it rules when you’re repulsed by cig’s, thats when you are good to go. Just be careful when your out drinking, thats the easiest way back in.

Yeah dont take the cig that your friend will always offer you when your drunk.

Problem: My will power for quitting is weak and one of my roommates smokes and always lets me bum one. I suck at life.

had a heart attack. quit cold turkey.

Don’t forget the rubber band…

similar situation. quit cold turkey, but only lasted a year.

tried that, didnt work. wasnt ready.

Holy shit.

I’d be afraid to even walk through a puff of smoke if that happened to me.

Heart attack at what age?!?!

I’m in a bubble hockey league with a kid who had a heart attack like 2 years ago at the age of 22.

He still smokes.

had just turned 24. doc’s said it wasnt lifestyle related though, but it was a pretty big wake up call.

hence the Volvo?

i keed.

fo sho. im a 60 year old man in a 25 year old body.

nicoderm CQ Patch.