Northway facing 'intolerable' future

THIS. Same with the thruway. Its a catch 22 though. The cop sitting there starts the slow down, and then once the traveling speed is below the posted limit, he still sits there on his ass doing nothing. But if the cops wernt there, people would do 90-100 through there and cause problems. (probably much less though).

If they want to hide and catch speeders during rushhour, HIDE out of sight. then pull them over and make it fucking snappy… so you dont cause a chain reaction and fuck up the flow.

Also that new “pull over for safety vehicles” shit is fucking it all up too. People dont know its “pull over ONLY IF THERE IS ROOM TO” IE, if the lane isnt clear for you to yield over, continue past the safty vehicle at a slightly reduced rate of speed. DONT slow down to 20 and try to merge into another lane full of people doing 80.

Exactly the problem. Post an announcement for enforcing the “impeding the flow of traffic” law that has been in the books for ever. Left lane cruisers, and middle lane cruisers (well bellow the flow of traffic) can be ticket under that law for making people have to pass on both sides of their car to get around them becasue they are off the pace of the traffic flow. Start ticketing the SHIT out of people, CDL drivers especially, and get people to follow the simplest of directions on the road. Pass, then get back in the damn driving lane. unless its gridlocked, the left most lane should NEVER be more occupied than the middle of the driving lane… and 90% of the time I make my passes, cruise set to 78, in the driving lane… passing 10+ cars until I come up on one following the directions on the driving lane, and I have to squeeze back into the middle to get around them.

THIS. SO MUCH MONEY could be saved by doing condensed work weeks for NON-ESSENTIAL state employees (4,10’s a week), and staggering the start and end times for state offices.

IMO, the “alert the drivers” signs are about the WORST thing to do. Adding fuel to the fire. People cant follow simple driving directions now, making them look up and take their eyes off the road, read a bunch of yellow bulbs, and comprehend whats being said is dangerous. I watch people hit the breaks out of nowhere, swerve, etc ahead of me trying to read them.

Typical state, proactive isnt in their vocabulary. “we can fix these problems by alerting drivers of slowdowns ahead and divert traffic.” NO, NO, NO you fucking idiots, thats not preventing anything thats attempting to fix an already fucked up problem. The moment there is a slow down, the morning or evening 3 hours worth of driving is FUCKED, and the ONLY WAY to elevate it is to wait for the volume to pass. Thats it. Moving a few “alerted” drivers to an alternate path is a few drops in the bucket. Being optimistic, I would bet it saved maybe 20 minutes off the total time that slow down occurred for that event. Its like clogging a funnel and dumping 10 gallons of oil through it… once its clogged, it isnt going any faster until the clog is removed and all the oil in que has flowed through. Putting a tiny hole on the side of the funnel to send some oil around the clog, isnt going to make a shit of difference.