Northway facing 'intolerable' future

luckily for me Im against the traffic going to work and back but I occasionally get stuck in it heading north from a delivery in Albany in the late afternoon

THIS. Same with the thruway. Its a catch 22 though. The cop sitting there starts the slow down, and then once the traveling speed is below the posted limit, he still sits there on his ass doing nothing. But if the cops wernt there, people would do 90-100 through there and cause problems. (probably much less though).

If they want to hide and catch speeders during rushhour, HIDE out of sight. then pull them over and make it fucking snappy… so you dont cause a chain reaction and fuck up the flow.

Also that new “pull over for safety vehicles” shit is fucking it all up too. People dont know its “pull over ONLY IF THERE IS ROOM TO” IE, if the lane isnt clear for you to yield over, continue past the safty vehicle at a slightly reduced rate of speed. DONT slow down to 20 and try to merge into another lane full of people doing 80.

Exactly the problem. Post an announcement for enforcing the “impeding the flow of traffic” law that has been in the books for ever. Left lane cruisers, and middle lane cruisers (well bellow the flow of traffic) can be ticket under that law for making people have to pass on both sides of their car to get around them becasue they are off the pace of the traffic flow. Start ticketing the SHIT out of people, CDL drivers especially, and get people to follow the simplest of directions on the road. Pass, then get back in the damn driving lane. unless its gridlocked, the left most lane should NEVER be more occupied than the middle of the driving lane… and 90% of the time I make my passes, cruise set to 78, in the driving lane… passing 10+ cars until I come up on one following the directions on the driving lane, and I have to squeeze back into the middle to get around them.

THIS. SO MUCH MONEY could be saved by doing condensed work weeks for NON-ESSENTIAL state employees (4,10’s a week), and staggering the start and end times for state offices.

IMO, the “alert the drivers” signs are about the WORST thing to do. Adding fuel to the fire. People cant follow simple driving directions now, making them look up and take their eyes off the road, read a bunch of yellow bulbs, and comprehend whats being said is dangerous. I watch people hit the breaks out of nowhere, swerve, etc ahead of me trying to read them.

Typical state, proactive isnt in their vocabulary. “we can fix these problems by alerting drivers of slowdowns ahead and divert traffic.” NO, NO, NO you fucking idiots, thats not preventing anything thats attempting to fix an already fucked up problem. The moment there is a slow down, the morning or evening 3 hours worth of driving is FUCKED, and the ONLY WAY to elevate it is to wait for the volume to pass. Thats it. Moving a few “alerted” drivers to an alternate path is a few drops in the bucket. Being optimistic, I would bet it saved maybe 20 minutes off the total time that slow down occurred for that event. Its like clogging a funnel and dumping 10 gallons of oil through it… once its clogged, it isnt going any faster until the clog is removed and all the oil in que has flowed through. Putting a tiny hole on the side of the funnel to send some oil around the clog, isnt going to make a shit of difference.


a solid read from

HHAHA :slight_smile:

I’m the asshole that cruises in what ever lane I please usually doing 5-10mph over the limit. It is a speed limit. There is not guaranteed 5 over law. lanes should go from left to right - 67 - 64 - 58… Slower traffic stays right. Not faster traffic is allowed to hammer in the left lane and then slam the binders at every “no U turn” sign cause there may be a cop.
I love driving fast but when it becomes standard practice is when it starts getting expensive. Radar detector or not its a matter of time before you are yanked or worse get in an accident. That being said, I have no issues with triple digit speeds. When youre doing something stupid you got to be smart about it. if that makes sense.

No offense to you, i know you wont take it that way anyways… but your reply was one way then the next.

The entire road has a speedlimit. Actual speeds people are traveling are irrelevant. If people feel the need to press their luck speeding so be it. Its a matter of following driving laws and courtesy. (both speeding and lane hogging) Right lane is the driving lane. Anything left is a passing lane. Book says, make the pass then yield safely back into the driving lane as soon as possible. Its as simple as that. Hell you could make it 55-50-45mph in a 55mph road for your example. Anyone left of the 45mph “lane” (10 UNDER the limit) would be impeding LEGALLY operating traffic, by not yielding back into the driving lane after overtaking a slower (yet still legally speeding car). +/- 10 mph is a decent chunk… something coming around a turn and being surprised with that difference in speed with might spell disaster, and nobody is traveling above the posted limit. Yet, that incident would be caused by someone ignorantly driving in the wrong lane.

I assume you dont like being stuck in traffic any less than everyone else does. Regardless of what your cruise control is set to, or your patients level is behind the wheel. But when you are doing exactly what other less capable drivers than yourself are doing, that causes the daily problems on the roads… its kind of like kicking yourself in the nuts isnt it.

Im that ahole too. I won’t hang out in the left lane but if I’m going 70-75 and I’m coming up on someone I’m not gonna speed up to 80-85 because I’m venturing in the left lane. That being said if I’m cruising and someone comes up on me and I can get out of their way I will too. I’m a total middle lane driver lol.


Why not just do what you are doing in the proper fucking lane???

Its absolutely no different. You can come 70-75 up on someone ALSO IN THE DRIVING LANE, and not back off cruise one bit. Change lanes, pass, and yield back in to the driving lane. Dont need to speed up or anything.

If you just followed the directions like that, the “That being said if I’m cruising and someone comes up on me and I can get out of their way I will too.” part you wouldnt have to do SHIT!!! No actions would need to be taken by you! NONE. WHY, BECASUE YOU ARE IN THE DAMN DRIVING LANEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!

I’m not trying to aggravate anyone. I just don’t go crazy to get out of the way of people doing 20 over. I made it sound more ignorant than I am. And I absolutely hate when people fly up on your ass while youre passing some one at a very reasonable speed and do the disco strobe high beam flash. That makes me slow down.

Hopefully they can clean up the N way. I remember my father telling me when he was a kid it took neary 2 hours to get to LG on route 9 as most of it was 30 - 45mph at the time. The Northway only opened up in the 70s. Also heard stories of awesome drag racing on closed, unfinished portions of the Northway.

Clifton Park was a farm… :stuck_out_tongue:

I’m lazy and don’t wanna have to keep merging for people coming in on an on ramp. Or have to slow down if I’m boxed in while they merge. Not saying I’m right mainly lazy.

I hear ya. No doubt if you pull out to pass someone, and someone is coming up behind you faster than you are and draft or flash at you to move thats one thing… I understand your actions completely. Its the just not givin a fuck ill sit in this lane all by myself stuff that pisses me off when i see it. :slight_smile: Buuuut again. If you wernt passing anyone, and were in the driving lane, Ricky Bobby could be coming up the road at mach 10 behind you and you would have nothing to worry about. :slight_smile:

I applaud your honesty but should still neg your ass! :rofl

Merging is a skill everyone needs on the road, ill just ignore that part.

Let me ask you this now. How many times have you been in the middle or far left passing lane doing say 75 in a 65 then low and behold about 15 other lazy fuckers are doing 72 mph in a big line ahead of you in the same lane(s), yet the entire right lane (driving lane where you all are supposed to be) is empty???

Here comes KK cranking up the driving lane, cruise set to 78… passing you and the rest of your buddies all pissed off at each other because of one or two morons at the front of the pack refusing to move the fuck over… looking over and :rofl’ing as I pass by, not having to lift, brake, change speed, move, NOTHING…

Why strive to be lazy and know you are not right???


Nah because I’m only in the far left if I’m passing someone in the middle do I’d be right with you cruising up the middle or if it’s clear on the right I’ll get over. Honestly once I’m north of Clifton park I’ll usually go to the right lane because the exit spacing is greater. But the first 8 exits between people slowing down to exit and people merging on (and neglecting to use the on ramp to get up to speed) the middle lane just makes sense as the best option to maintain a constant speed.


I just hammer down the left shoulder.

problem. solved.

Ya know what people love? When we do 3 wide roll ons from 40 in a 65!

I know youre kidding but I have seen a motorcyclist dismembered from such an action. I always cringe when they pass me doing 120 in the median or shoulder. Don’t know why peeps be stuntin like dat…

sounds like a back pedal to me! hahahaha Or its not how you explained it initially.


Dont put me in your lazy group! LOL I am in the right lane at all times unless I am passing people. I even play that dick when its just me and one lone car in the middle. Ill aproach on the right. move to the middle, move over to the left, pass, then middle and back. then when i am in the driving lane again ill give my hazards a single flash to say “move over dumb fucker”. :rofl

It doesnt matter if there are a million mergers in 5 miles. if there is open lane space out your right hand window, you should be in it. I dont like having to stop at stop signs doing down city streets becasue a bunch in a row so is it ok if I just dont stop? nope. You gotta do what you gotta do on the road.

And again, those people that cant get the concepts of an on/off ramp make it hard (I understand your concept the way you said it above about keeping constant speeds under given conditions like that) for the rest of the traffic to flow. It again, boils down to lazy people who dont care to follow directions, aka proper yielding techniques, so now it screws up everyone else and starts the chain reaction.

If people were a bit more considerate in the driving lane, coming up to mergers, when they have the ability to move over to help someone get on easier thats one thing, but legally its up to the person making the merge who should yield to traffic. AKA if there isnt room to do it, to fucking bad, the ramps are long for a reason, learn how to use them properly.