i meant in my car. Im not that crazy :crackup
you bring up a good point though… getting back on topic.
NYS INCREASE THE ON/OFF RAMP LENGTHS, AND PUT A GUARD RAIL BETWEEN THE RAMP AND ONCOMING TRAFFIC! Make it easier to get up to speed, and make it easier to judge insertion points with the oncoming traffic at the end of the guard rail.
NYS should bring this back… I would be interested to see how it actually effected Kansas.
Not trying to hate on you… but do you really think 20k would be worth that? I could see if it was like 50k+ more a year. You would have to drive to the train station, lets say 30 minutes, train ride, hour, then depending where you work in the city it would probably be another 20-30 minutes between the subway ride and the walk. So your looking at a 4 hour round trip commute. And youl be paying gas to get to the train station, train ticket down to the city, and monthly subway pass which is 100+ now days. Also, there’s no way the highspeed rail tickets are gonna be cheap. From my experience, the regular train tickets are around 45 dollars one way.
That was an arbitrary figure I threw out and was based on average salary. Average salary for my kind of work up here is $40k (I make more)…and down in the city it’s $60k or so. But, it really depends on the company, your ability, you personality, etc.
With working in NYC…there would be thousands of more opportunities to expand my resume and thus get higher up the food chain so to speak. I could make $100k easy in NYC after a few years as opposed to up here where it might take me 10-15 years to get high enough in a local company. Hell, I’m looking at a large promotion right now that’s in the works but it would still be easier in NYC.
Also, for trains, you can buy ‘passes’ which turn out to be cheaper than buying say…1000 individual tickets. They have options for commuters.
Build it and they will come. At first it may be a little more expensive but as the network improves, etc. prices will level out.
Either way…it would be VERY good for our area. Yes it would increase population and cost on some things due to more people using services what not…but in general…it would create a strong foundation in our area which can only help our area out in the end.
Investment into infrastructure is good for just bout any area.
The sooner the better. Otherwise things like this thread happen where existing roads can’t keep up with demand.
KK I don’t wanna quote your book haha but the OP is referring to the lower northway mainly which is what I was referring to mainly.
Yah no doubt… I used to live in the city so I know how the subway works. I know what you mean though, the networking in the city is ridiculous. I am actually testing for an assistant conductor position on monday for amtrak, I’m pretty excited.
And the crackhead I work with’s father built the northway and his grandmother owned half of Clifton Park and sold the land cheap.
When I asked him why his mother doesnt have a nice house he said she had a nice house when it was new. Its a fucking doublewide on a foundation with shit all over the lawn and looks like a dump.
He also had tea with Elvis when he was about 12 and he came up with the M&M’s and Lucky Charms characters while tripping on acid in his uncle’s junkyard that was full of helicopters and '57 Chevy’s they used to play demo derby with. Im not sure if thats the same cousin who has the 1000hp GTO that only runs on nitrous (no gas, just nitrous) and/or the same one that bought an airplane with no motor but those are stories for another day.
I just stay in the left lane because I’m always passing :lol
you and me both brother! I like to lead the race. 2nd place is the first looser!!!
GTFOVER, mirrored is getting printed out asap and put on my front windshield for LOLZ as soon as more white vinyl comes in the shop!
I double-dog dare you
That’s awesome.
Except I’d feel like a douche if I was cruising behind someone who’s speed was on par with the speed I was driving and I didn’t actually want to pass them.
Make it and LED sign or on a flip board. :ponder
Or on a one lane road. LOL