Update on anti-toll movment

an e-mail i recived i know most of you signed up for it but posting it anyway.

Dear Anti-Toll Friend,

              Knowing of your interest in eliminating Thruway tolls from the commuting area of Buffalo, I wanted to be sure you were aware of a public hearing that will be held on this issue on <b>[b]Thursday, March 2 at 10:00</b>[/b] in the Buffalo and Erie County Library Auditorium at One   Lafayette Square.

              I was very pleased that the Chairman of the NYS Assembly Committee Transportation agreed to our request to hold this hearing.  I also want to thank committee member Assemblyman Sam Hoyt for his work in bringing this hearing to Buffalo. Hopefully this will be a key step in bringing the removal of Thruway tolls one step closer to reality.


David J. Swarts

Erie County Clerk


hopefully lots of people will go

maybe I should get a job in Buffalo that way I can complain about the tolls so they can take them down and I don’t have TWO cover charges when I go to the city for fun on the weekend. lol