Petition to Eliminate Thruway Tolls From the Buffalo Commuting Area

sign this or get banned

tried, got this msg: “Is not an authorized referer!” :gotme:

thats odd.

no one else i sent the link to had any issues

Worked fine for me. Remember, they will email you to confirm your submission so check your mail for those who are email-lethargic.


Petition to Eliminate Thurway Tolls
Signature Completed! Thank you for confirming your signature on this petition.

No way are they ever going to give up all the money that is generated from those tolls.

hmpf, still don’t work for me :gotme: tried like 10 times… sry

Petition to Eliminate Thurway Tolls

Signature Completed! Thank you for confirming your signature on this petition.

Click here to return to the Erie County Clerk home page.

Done, for all the good it’ll do me :tup:

it may have something to do with your address


werent thruway tolls supposed to be eliminate after the cost of the road was paid for a long long time ago?

I thought that was the original plan

but then money got in the mix

as usual


Roads don’t pay to maintain themselves.


pay the $.50 and be happy theres a nice, somewhat well maintained road for you to drive on…

umm… it’s now $.75

i was fine with .50, not now that it’s raised, im not down.


That’s what Hillary said.

done and done!

meh, we have good roads around here - which we need, since winter truly fucks them up. i’m not signing that.

EDIT: and unless if like everyone in the state went against it and threatened to seriously move into the perimeter states/country of ny, i doubt they’d give up all that money that the tolls bring in.

some of you people actually need to get out of buffalo and see what roads are in other northern states. the roads here are actually quite good.