So much for no tolls on the 190. I knew they were gonna make it up somewhere. :tdown:
Not oly is it a 10% increase next year, but another 5% the next two years in a row :bloated:
So much for no tolls on the 190. I knew they were gonna make it up somewhere. :tdown:
Not oly is it a 10% increase next year, but another 5% the next two years in a row :bloated:
wow new york state sucks im, “renouncing all my possessions and moving to Nepal” lol
Another NY state untouchable authority at work.
It should get real interesting when the state comptrollers audit of the thruway authority is complete and the details of where they really spend their money come out.
urgh… when i come home from vermont i take the 90 ALL the way blah
We took our motorhome annd triple axel trailer from buffalo to the mass pike exit.
$62.xx fucking highway robery. on top of all the rest stops diesel prices are $.10 more than off highway stations. It’s over $75 to NY.
There is a lot of truckers who will avoid the NYS when coming from new england just to avoid the toll.
Like canal work…ect
When I hit a pot hole on the thruway I get so pissed. WHERE IS OUR TOLL MONEY GOING???!!!
What I don’t understand is, why (or how) are they allowed to push this through without waiting for the audit report first?
That’s an easy one. They are an untouchable authority. AKA, they answer to no one. When the audit comes out and shows how out of touch their salaries and benefits are with the private sector and how they are wasting money left and right there is no one in the state that can force them to change anything. The governor can’t tell them to do something, he can’t even fire them.
Off the top of my head we have:
Thruway authority
Peace Bridge authority
Erie County Water authority
Niagara Frontier Transit authority
Power Authority
There are many, many more. All politically appointed, most for life, none answering to voters.
One of the many reasons NY continues to win awards year after year for being the most dysfunctional state government.
I hate how it works, it’s just like the dmv. the ladies who work there should all DIAF I think i’ve met like 2 nice ones.
The last time I was at the dmv the lady was on her phone for 5 MINUTES while i sat at her window…not a business call,but a personal one…i think with her husband.
It’s like WTF?! any other job she woulda been fired on the spot.
Actually, it’s not at all like the DMV. The DMV commissioner is a publicly elected official. If people get pissed enough to get organized they can demand change by voting for someone else.
ahh thank you for reminding me why I do not miss NYS
^ That’s ok, the residents don’t miss you either.
Ahhhh…just wait until the righteous congressman and lawyer friend go after the G.I. bridges next. Cant wait for the increases once those go away.
If it’s not broke don’t fix it.
Yeah they suck…but making up for it with increases sucks much worse.
The Authority executives would be the first guess.
But since they claim to be self sufficient and take care of all of the roads and bridges on the Thruway the $ should be prioritized that way.
I hear you, it has gone up every year since I started school in 04’ almost as bad as tuition…
If you don’t like it…don’t use it. There are plenty of ways to get around town without using toll roads. I don’t really give a shit, because I go through for free.
But raising it because of the 190 toll removal is a complete and total lie. They showed that the 190 tolls took in just as much money as it cost to maintain them. They weren’t a money maker, they were a public works program.
And I don’t buy their excuse that people are driving less on the 90 because of higher gas prices either. I have seen any other sources saying miles driven are decreasing. In fact, most of the time you see them saying miles driven increases every single year. Again, it’s the arrogance of these authorities who think they can just throw any bullshit excuse out there and raise tolls. What they should be doing is looking at where they can cut costs.
I agree with you 100% on the bottom part. I did not know about the break even of the 190 Tolls. That said I am sure it takes a ton more invested to maintain 2 old bridges so I would be scared where they make up that.
And if the 190 tolls were a break even, then isnt the Authority still responsible for maint. of the roadways thus forcing them to come up with the same X Milliion dollars from somewhere else?
10%? WTF… Theres no tolls on the way to UB, but dam… Thats geting insane. We pay taxes, take care of the dam roads. Why do we pay to use them?