$27.35?? How is it that much?

its expensive to drive across ny but lol at petit larceny

if he was smart he would have just drove thru the easy pass.

No cops no tickets, just a bill of i think 35$ in the mail.

It’s really almost $30 to drive across the state? WTF is that shit?

Don’t worry, the rest of the nation is heading in the direction NY has been going for years, so soon it will be the same to drive across any state.

just gives NY an excuse to raise tolls that much more. duh.

I’m having a rough time grasping the fact that it is so much. deep fried christ on a stick.

Thats NY for ya.

gotta raise the rates because the highway has so much more traffic and wear-and-tear… wait… uhm…

people are driving less there is less traffic so there is less tolls being taken in… wait, can’t say that I still need my ridiculously high salary… uhm…

We have repairs that need to be completed because we pissed away all the $$ on other things… wait, can’t say that either…

We’re raising the tolls… because we can… there, that’s it…

doesnt the 90 go all the way thru to mass? maybe he went thru part of another state as well?


It’s called EZPass.

AFAIK, tolls are only collected/charged/whatever for the state you are in.

That sounds like an Indian name. (curry Indian) In which case I’m not surprised at all. They will try to bargain down ANYTHING.

yea but im sure there will be something soon… like a flash pass for the card… just watch

haha I hope that he has to drive back from Mass. again for his court date…

Yep, I live about 15 min from the 90, it’s called the Mass Pike here.

yea, but, you dont get charged at the willyville tolls for out of state driving.

that $27 is NY only. insane.

that guy is DOPE

you bend over when leaving MA or NY because you pay a toll at both borders.