Does APD have an undercover F150?

Have you ever driven through Tonawanda? I used to rent a house in the city of Tonawanda and they use an unmarked car to run radar on two mile creek all summer long. I saw him doing it last summer too.

APD generally uses that marked car that doesn’t have a light bar.

But yeah, don’t pull over when that unmarked Tonawanda car is flashing his grill lights at you after he hits you doing 40 in a 30 on two mile creek and see how that goes. I really don’t care if you get arrested, but I feel bad for the people you tell this stuff to who assume you’re right.

Executive Order No. 35, issued April 17, 1996 (Ordering that Unmarked Police Vehicles of the State of New York not be Used for the Routine Stopping of Motorists in Connection with Traffic Violations);

Personally, I’d like to see the use of undercover cars for routine traffic stops banned nationwide. It does add an unnecessary anxiety to traffic stops. But these suggestions to keep driving while you pull out your phone and call 911 to verify a police car are going to get people into a lot of trouble.