Headsup: Amherst undercover grand marques

tan with, I believe, a pleather roof. No police interceptor badge, no black wheels, no tints, no spotlight… looked totally stock minus the lights flashing and the car infront of him pulled over.

just a heads up… be careful.

Thanks. Surprised I haven’t seen this around but now I’ll be watching for it.

prolly a detective

Spotted a Maroon one tonight also.

I’ve noticed a TON of people being pulled over recently … they are on a mission!

is it bad that ive memorized what a crown vic’s headlights look like in my mirrors? anytime i see something that resembles a crown vic’s headlights behind me i slooooow way the fuck down…now we’re gonna hafta deal w/ the chargers and the tahoe’s apparently being all :snky:


dude i’m the same way…whenever i see something that looks like a crown vic i fuckin slow down haha

i honestly think that was my neighbor… hes a detective but the inside of the car is decked out in official police gear.

My gf just got pulled over by one

Thats actually pretty smart. I too can spot a Crown Vic from a mile away day or night, but when I see it’s Grandpa in his Grand Marquis I floor it again. This is why I stick to the southtowns.

ya - the crown vic cabs get me all the time because you can’t tell it’s not a cop until they pass you

I don’t even speed / do anything illegal, and I know cops will hand a ticket for anything, I find myself getting shook by cabs because I think its a cop.

on my way to darien lake yesterday i seen someone pulled over by a cop with a jeep grand cherokee at the akron exit. the jeep had flashing lights in the headlights etc.


Although I didn’t realize that it’s so common for unmarked cars to pull people over. That’s kind of sketchy. My mother in law pulled over for an unmarked car once only for a dude nekkid except for a trench coat start walking towards the car. I think that happened anyways. Maybe I read it and just decided that that’s the kind of thing that would happen to my mother in law. :shrug:

Some unmarked ones are light blue as well.