Northway facing 'intolerable' future

I applaud your honesty but should still neg your ass! :rofl

Merging is a skill everyone needs on the road, ill just ignore that part.

Let me ask you this now. How many times have you been in the middle or far left passing lane doing say 75 in a 65 then low and behold about 15 other lazy fuckers are doing 72 mph in a big line ahead of you in the same lane(s), yet the entire right lane (driving lane where you all are supposed to be) is empty???

Here comes KK cranking up the driving lane, cruise set to 78… passing you and the rest of your buddies all pissed off at each other because of one or two morons at the front of the pack refusing to move the fuck over… looking over and :rofl’ing as I pass by, not having to lift, brake, change speed, move, NOTHING…

Why strive to be lazy and know you are not right???