FYI: APD has a new cop car

driving down the 990 a little bit ago and saw a white dodge charger with black pushbars and one of those low profile all clear light bar on top. There are no markings on it at all.

So just a heads up that they have a new toy to keep an eye out for.

was it APD? because i have seen a few ontario PP down here that are chargers…

thanks for the headsup

i saw two unmarked in rochester today wonder if they are demo cars…

like i said, there were zero markings on it. Im just assuming it was an APD.

i saw one of those over by UB back in the spring…to the ebst of my knowledge its not the APD’s car. my mom works there and i kno quite a few amherst cops and other people that work there, and i havent heard about them. it MAY be UB’s, and the only thing that leads me to believe that is i’ve noticed a lot of new unmarked cars sitting around UB’s police garage lately. I will ask my mom if hse can try and find out if its the APD’s Charger or not though, cuz i kinda want to kno myself.

not UBs like I said I used to work at UBPD when I saw it. It had Ontario plates on it…

I’m with Zwarbyt. Dodge is making a big push for the Chargers, so they’re probably demoing them to a lot of police depts.

APD also has a Segway.

I though it was UB that had a few Segways to patrol the campus. :gotme:

Either way, any idea if anyone did a face-plant riding one??? :lol:

Haven’t seen them at UB, but I have seen a cop buzzing around my street (right off of Mill). Everytime I catch him out of the corner of my eye though.

ROFL i wonder if that Segway can keep up with my grandma’s power scooter…

I’d luv to get the engine them police package chargers have

We don’t have segways (that I know of) on UB campus. We do have GEM CARS, but they are more for utility purposes. The Police still use the normal cruisers/SUV/bicycle for patrolling.

we do have segways. josh and i saw them during the old home days or whatever. there were two scooting around. i couldnt help but laugh. it just looks silly and to knwo that much $$$$ was spent when a bike is just as good makes me laugh

Confirmed as well, they do look stupid. What is the point is what I am wondering…

I think its the same v8 you get in any other crummy charger.

Guess my source was wrong :gotme:

Its nice to know that the APD promotes laziness over saving money.

I believe i read that in a car mag also

there rolling in new impalas to learn that the hard way