Amherst Cops using X Band radar

I was driving down Sheridan last night and an Amherst cop was shooting x band. I thought all the cops around here gave up on that band. So just a heads up to everyone with radar detectors.

Do the speed limit and you dont have to worry.

probably did it because they are reliable and everyone thinks that they don’t have them anymore :stuck_out_tongue:

Amherst also has under-cover Chargers now. Be aware. They look like regular cars with no visible lights on the exterior.

Pretty crafty on their part.


Amherst also has under-cover Chargers now. Be aware. They look like regular cars with no visible lights on the exterior.


yea, got pulled by one of those last week. nice car but boo them! It wasn’t even the right amherst blue

they also have spy’s disguised as lampposts, watch out.


Amherst also has under-cover Chargers now. Be aware. They look like regular cars with no visible lights on the exterior.


:word: they are sneaky, thats what just got me last saturday south of charlotte :carnut

IIRC X-band is only accurate to like 30-40 mph…can anyone verify?

I’m pretty sure they have to use marked cars when shooting radar. I don’t remember where I got that from, but I think it’s a law.

(That doesn’t mean they can’t pull you over in an unmarked car.)

[quote=“Toda Party,post:9,topic:36487"”]

IIRC X-band is only accurate to like 30-40 mph…can anyone verify?


False… But The reason x-band is not used anymore is it is so easily detectable by todays radar detectors…

K band is usually the band of choice for radar, but most higherend radar detectors can pick it up from quite a distance…

Ka band is hardest to detect from a distance…

They all have to do with wave legths.

FWIW I ran into a trooper using x-band before…down in west virginia.

Also, this may be dumb because you shouldn’t speed anyways but what if we sticked a “radar trap” thread? Stating most comon locations of radar traps?


I’m pretty sure they have to use marked cars when shooting radar. I don’t remember where I got that from, but I think it’s a law.

(That doesn’t mean they can’t pull you over in an unmarked car.)


This is NOT true as well

It should be a law though because I saw on the news before…a serial killer used his black crown vic to pull over people on back roads and then he would ask them to get out of the car…handcuff them and kidnap them… true story.

Ka band is not hard to detect at all, my V1 picks that up and they can be pretty far up the road too
the probelm these cops have is they leave it ALWAYS ON and not just instant on thats why they never get as many speeders as they’d like

City Of Tonawanda for example is the best one to use because they ALWAYS! drive with their radars constantly on Ka so its easy to tell where and when they are coming from
so them hiding is no secret they might as well stick out a white flag and say hi im here go slow


Ka band is not hard to detect at all, my V1 picks that up and they can be pretty far up the road too
the probelm these cops have is they leave it ALWAYS ON and not just instant on thats why they never get as many speeders as they’d like

City Of Tonawanda for example is the best one to use because they ALWAYS! drive with their radars constantly on Ka so its easy to tell where and when they are coming from
so them hiding is no secret they might as well stick out a white flag and say hi im here go slow


I agree the v1 is good… but if you notice… the v1 will pick up k band well before Ka band


they also have spy’s disguised as lampposts, watch out.


Oh sweet fancy moses no! Not the lamp posts! Fucking communists


This is NOT true as well

It should be a law though because I saw on the news before…a serial killer used his black crown vic to pull over people on back roads and then he would ask them to get out of the car…handcuff them and kidnap them… true story.


This must be decided by state or county then. Because i know i have seen places where they had to have their lights on while shooting radar. That shit used to crack me up.


This must be decided by state or county then. Because i know i have seen places where they had to hav their lights on while shooting radar. That shit used to crack me up.


where was this?

Because I know it’s not true in Erie County having talked to cops about it. I think it’s the most ridiculous shit ever when people say that.

I always dismiss the x-band as false alarms

most troopers use the Stalker dual setup which is KA

I know that a vehicle MUST be marked as “Police” when pulling anyone over on the expressway after dark … other then that … ?


I know that a vehicle MUST be marked as “Police” when pulling anyone over on the expressway after dark … other then that … ?



The only law in NYS regarding unmarked cars only applies to State Police. It was one of the first orders Pataki signed when he came into office. Local cops can pull you over anywhere they want in an unmarked car, but the State Police have to use a marked car for traffic violations. They can have an unmarked doing the radar, but the one that actually pulls you over has to be marked.

If anyone wants to search I know I’ve posted links to the actual order from Pataki before.