do you/have you smoked weed?

Used to in high school and my first year of college…but not since in decided what I would be doing in the future. Don’t miss it in the least, still go to plenty of concerts where it is all over and there is 0 temptation

used to smoke atleast 3-4 times a day, quit one day when i saw my friends that i smoked with starting to do coke.

i smoked again from like mid summer to last October before i moved, and since then i have smoked once.

I have the chance all the time to smoke i just choose not to, one of the main reasons is that i have to drive power equipment at work and if i hit anything i get drug tested on the spot. Smoking some weed wouldn’t be worth losing my job.

Used to smoke all day everyday

dropped it like 8th grade spanish after 3 years. I don’t regret it, I loved it, but it was time to move on.

I rolled a mean L though, for real


Occasionally, I still do. It’s hard to beat smokin a bit, relaxing after a long day, and smashing the g/f to finish off the night. I don’t smoke too often at all, though. Maybe 2-3 times a week at the most.

I used to smoke a lot in high school, but quit cold turkey and didn’t go near the shit until this past summer when I realized it’s not such a big deal, like so many people make it out to be. I, for one, have enough self control to not let it get out of hand, and can enjoy it without being a retard.

never, shit is pathetic

When I was in college I use to go through an eighth every week. I’ve probably smoked 2 blunts/bowls in the last 6 years.

Started in College, smoked every day throughout college (still worked 30-40 hours a week, and got a 3.0/3.5 GPA @ RIT); smoked most evenings/nights up until about 2 years ago when I wanted to change jobs and knew I was going to need to pee in a cup… Haven’t smoked since.

I still get the “urges” once in a while; kinda like I get the “urge” to drink sometimes… where I just think “damn it would be nice to just melt myself into the couch tonight and zone in on a movie and forget life for a few hours…” But I haven’t done it in a LONG time…

I’m interested to hear people’s reasons for hating it SOOOO much. lol. Especially the people who have never tried it. (Don’t take this as a stoner defending the drug, I’m just curious.)

Never felt any desire to try it.
I still don’t.

an ounce?? That’s easily a $10,000 a month habit. :meh:

^Srsly, plus he’d be DED.

Depends on how much you’re moving (AKA selling); and the quality of it. Brick is cheap as hell… now Hydro or Homegrown is an entirely different story.

How so? Never knew you could OD on Pot… Thought there was some documentation that said the amount of THC you’d need to consume to OD was pretty much impossible without liquefying a TON of it and then injecting it…

Sorry, you’re right. I meant, BRAIN DED. lol



I started to hate it when I realized it was actually making me dumber…I would start to forget words and shit. Also the $ I would spend on it, the $ I would spend on food shortly thereafter, etc.

and now after stopping I have come to see how much I hate being around people that are stoned. God they piss me off!

No lie. but here I am.

ask around, was nothing but top quality. plenty of OG’s used to be regulars. I’m not gonna get into specifics, but I had a vast distribution network and moved more per/week than I care to mention.

:tup: true story

No doubt here… I used to and still know a lot of people in Rochester who are still deeply involved in it…

Just sayin’ the only people I know who smoked that much either moved it, or grew it (and also moved it).