Japan hit by massive 8.8 magnitude earthquake


Branding nuclear power as a bad/dangerous thing is completely rediculous. Fossil fuels are misused/misappropriated every day and have caused FAR more environmental and health damage than the nuclear industry(we are not talking about bomb dropping/testing bullcrap here). They have proven to be just as dangerous as nuclear; over a different time scale in certain aspects as well as immediate issues(like the massive fucking spills to say the least)

Nuclear can be safe and economical except far too many people and politicians have a bug up their ass about it, are far too undereducated to speak logically on the science of the subject, and have far too many bullshit fears about the whole field to allow it to see full fruition. There are areas in the field of substantial benefit and future growth, but there’s so much BS against it it keeps the field hindered.

Yes I am all for nuclear power. Yes I am for making it safer, but you can’t make it safer without having a fuckup to learn from. Shit’s always going to happen, it’s a given in this world.