Japan hit by massive 8.8 magnitude earthquake

lol yeah in theory and calculations… thats a good bite

live video here:


You realize that these plants were hit by a 8.8 quake and a fucking tsunami right? This wasn’t just some freak accident that happened because nukes are inherently all going to explode. Does it suck big time, yes, were there things that could have been designed better, yes, is TEPCO a scumbag company, yes. But jumping to conclusions that all nuclear power is bad is ridiculous.

I’m saying its unsafe because YOU OBVIOUSLY CANT PLAN FOR EVERYTHING.

And I have news for you if you think any other government or company would have handled this differently.

Heres a youtube feed as well:


Branding nuclear power as a bad/dangerous thing is completely rediculous. Fossil fuels are misused/misappropriated every day and have caused FAR more environmental and health damage than the nuclear industry(we are not talking about bomb dropping/testing bullcrap here). They have proven to be just as dangerous as nuclear; over a different time scale in certain aspects as well as immediate issues(like the massive fucking spills to say the least)

Nuclear can be safe and economical except far too many people and politicians have a bug up their ass about it, are far too undereducated to speak logically on the science of the subject, and have far too many bullshit fears about the whole field to allow it to see full fruition. There are areas in the field of substantial benefit and future growth, but there’s so much BS against it it keeps the field hindered.

Yes I am all for nuclear power. Yes I am for making it safer, but you can’t make it safer without having a fuckup to learn from. Shit’s always going to happen, it’s a given in this world.

I disagree. Japan is FUCKED. How many accidents is it going to take?

How many planes horrible crashed in order for us to get R&D to make them as safe as they are today?

Do you have any other alternate solutions?

Germany is planning to shut down all their nuclear power by 2020, that’s great and all but they so far have nothing to replace the nearly 40% power loss they will experience once those are gone.

I think Germany is making a stupid move. They are reacting to (mostly unwarranted) public fears. Part of that fear is America’s fault…we were the only country to use nuclear power as a weapon. That will always come to mind of the uninformed public when nuclear power is brought up.

I’d rather see countries spending the money they are spending on properly shutting down dozens of reactors on research and funding of development of new safer, more reliable, and more efficient reactors.

You are ridiculous.

I agree.


Yea, thats a very good, well thought out point. Plane crashes OFTEN irradiate 30+ MILES of land. The effects of plane crashes are most definitely felt for thousands of years. Good call.

Wayne is a wizard in both diesel and nuclear technology

It’s one in the same really, both nuclear and diesel power utilize unicorn technology.


This. If reactors had DPF and Urea injection we never would’ve had these problems. :rolleyes


I think 10,000+ people killed due to commercial airplane malfunctions is a pretty good number.

Unless of course you are Stalin or Hitler or something, then it’s chump change.

Who gives a shit about that? I was talking about the sheer amount of land contaminated or destroyed. Fucking airplane crashes are population control.

How many hundreds of miles of coastline have been affected by oil spills? How much money has been spent cleaning up oil spills? How many millions of fish, birds, and other wildlife has been killed because of oil spills?

I’m not saying current nuclear technology doesn’t have its faults, but, in my opinion, it has had far less of an impact on the ecosystem and global economy than the oil industry. And that is one example.


I did not say that oil was fantastic. The only god damn thing oil should be used for is oil changes and my diesel fuel. FUCKSTICK FUCKING ARABS.