Japan hit by massive 8.8 magnitude earthquake

i’ve been getting a lot of news and shit from this dude:

not an official page by any means but he provides links and sources. Hard to find ONE place to get updates. Info is sketch as it is apparent to everyone that this has been a huge cover up.

Another video from that smart dude i posted before:

UUUUUUUGH. this whole thing disgusts me.

It’s amazing to me how the news just dropped it like its all over with. I’ve still been checking TEPCO (sp?) site for updates here and there and looking for news about the plant… it has not gotten any better, and will continue to get much much worse until like wayne said they entomb it like Chernobyl

this is going to be 3x as bad as chernobyl when its over. They have 3 seperate reactors with 3 seperate piles of Corium at the bottom of their respective RCVs. LOL Here’s to hoping it doesn’t melt through the concrete and get into the ground water.

Also #4 is about to collapse and is leaning. Can anyone say hello used fuel rods all over the ground???

This technology is not safe for man to handle. PERIOD.

OMFG more fail.

SO basicly…

Fukushima is about to kill half of japan over time

Another plant in the same prefecture? That is experimental, and sounds about as safe as Nitroglycerin has something fallen inside of it, and they want to play with it…


Multiple 10-Centimeter Holes in Reactor 2 Containment Vessel at #Fukushima I Nuke Plant
So says the Mainichi Shinbun reporters who must be reading the report submitted by TEPCO on May 23 and released on May 24.

Multiple 10-centimeter holes in the Reactor 2 Containment Vessel, and one 7-centimeter hole in the Reactor 1 Containment Vessel.

Hiroaki Koide of Kyoto University was so right. The Containment Vessels’ integrity has been long gone. TEPCO should have known all along, and all the experts, including Koide, must have known.

From Mainichi Shinbun Japanese (2:30AM JST 5/25/2011):


In the report that TEPCO disclosed on May 24 regarding the core meltdown in the Reactors 2 and 3, the possibility of holes in the Containment Vessels of the Reactors 1 and 2 is mentioned for the first time. The Reactor 1 Containment Vessel may have a hole 7-centimeter in diameter, and the Reactor 2 Containment vessel may have multiple holes 10-centimeter in diameter.

According to the Mainichi article, TEPCO came to the conclusion of multiple 10-centimeter holes in the Reactor 2 Containment Vessel and one 7-centimeter hole in the Reactor 1 Containment Vessel from the analysis of the pressure data.

link: Multiple 10-Centimeter Holes in Reactor 2 Containment Vessel at #Fukushima I Nuke Plant | EXSKF

So those holes mean that the situation is fubar?

plus fucking one dude… plus fucking one

those holes mean that the reactors cannot and will not ever hold pressure. If they don’t hold pressure guess what else they don’t hold… They don’t hold water in (cooling) and they also don’t hold radiation from escaping. They need to still keep them cool because there is a molten mass at the bottom from everything that melted “corium”. Thats why the basements are full of super highly radioactive water, everything you pour in goes right back out. The more water they pour on em the more highly contaminated water there is to clean up… see where this is going? Eventually this IS going to highly contaminate the groundwater and seawater there. Who knows how far the effects are going to be felt.

Nuclear power is epic fail IMO.

Oh snap :ohnoes

Well it seems that water is going to be a huge dilemma no matter what. This reminds me of Fallout3 where you gain radiation every time you swim or drink water and then have to use the RadX to get rid of it (Hint, make RL RadX, I hear there is a demand for it :lol)

Nuclear may be unsafe but no power is without it’s downsides.

Natural power such as currents, wind and solar are lacking in their supply power.

Right now there is some very heavy research and investments in Solar but it’s still years behind. FYI upstate NY just got a grant making it essentially national leader in research and development of solar.

No, we are just doing it wrong. Most (all?) of the worlds reactors are fueled by uranium, which is far inferior to using thorium. The uranium is used is because most of the research and funding occurred during the cold war, and governments wanted plutonium, which is a by product of using uranium, but not thorium.

Thorium is much more abundant.
Thorium produces much less waste
The waste produced remains radioactive for hundreds of years instead of hundreds of thousands.
And more importantly, LFTRs (Liquid Fluoride Thorium Reactor) cannot meltdown.

Thorium as a nuclear fuel isn’t perfect, but it is far better than uranium.



What is happening in Japan is terrible. And I am with you in that the current nuclear power situation is epic fail, but it is only because we are doing it wrong. I’d love to see the thorium movement use this disaster as a stepping point for replacing every uranium reactor in the world with a much safer, much cheaper, LFTR.

Were not talking abotu all power having downsides…

but when the fuck was the last time you heard about somebody dieing from a windmill or a solar panel? :lol

Chadd Mitchell, 35, was killed on Saturday afternoon when a 242-foot-tall tower he was working on toppled over, said a dispatcher for the Sherman County Sheriff’s Department.



You can’t criticize something without offering a good alternate solution. Otherwise you will just sound like a voter.

Nuclear may be bad, but it’s sure as hell better than no power.

Agree 100%

With the limited knowledge I have on the subject I’d be all for these, however, they don’t exist and therefore don’t apply to what I was saying.

You 2 are fucking morons.


Love ya too Wayne.

Maybe, but unfortunately solar/wind just isn’t goign to cut it just yet. I dont keep on top of energy sources but is there another option?

They can easily exist if the gov’t wants them to. Most the the theory and calculations are already there, all thats left is to prototype the technology and then start using it.

IN THEORY AND CALCULATIONS the reactors we have now were miracle cures too. Discuss over a cup of Japanese tea?