Being productive while using Salvia!

[ame=“”]YouTube - Driving On Salvia[/ame]

Writing Letters to Congress:
[ame=“”]YouTube - Writing A Letter To Congress on Salvia[/ame]

Gardening Part 1:
[ame=“”]YouTube - Broadcast Yourself.[/ame]

Gardening Part 2:
[ame=“”]YouTube - Gardening on Salvia Part 2[/ame]


These are hilarious… A girl I know is friends with this kid, they go to Tyler (Temple’s Art School) together.

That is very sad. I’ll stick with beer and cigarettes.

I think it’s still funny to watch other people on hallucinogenic drugs.

The driving one was hilarious.

ya im dumb enough with beer i dont think i would do well with that drug…

so where can i get this ?

online, salvia divinorum…cheap AND legal @ 15 bucks for a gram of 10X extract. You can post on pittspeed hanging from a billboard with your pants down after.

Wow, I feel like an old man. Never heard of this stuff before.

It’s going to be illegal soon because of all the recent exposure. I was around this stuff years ago…it’s VERY powerful stuff.

is that was you had a Automatic Red 5.0 ???

Overlapped a bit, but mainly before that.

wow, that guy is my hero…LOL thats some funny stuff.

Main street of NB. I forget the name of the place but it’s right across the street from the Hot Dog Shoppe. They have 10x and 20x last time I was there (a pretty long time ago) but they still have the big sign on the window.

Ok i know of the place

In stores you will pay 45+ for a gram, a gram will last you quite a while. Just make sure to get 20x if you get some. Buy online, way cheaper. It is a bit crazy.

Waste of money

Hah! You tried it?