that rules so hard
i did it when i was in switzerland and i thought i was racing… actually i was sitting in the road and cars were driving past me with their headlights on blasting the horn… i can’t wait to go back…
I guess I’ve never had good absinthe. I’ve had it a few times but it just tasted like strong nasty black licorice liquor with the same effects. Maybe not enough wormwood?
that lucid stuff has about 10mg of thujone in it… where as this
has 100mg of thujone in it…
According to absinthe retailer David Nathan Maister: “Absinthes with less than 10mg/l thujone are now potentially legal in the US"
I guess this is a good start… but I highly doubt we will see the potency that European countries do.
I had some in Canada tastes like shit, and i didnt feel anything exceot my wallet getting lighter at $12/drink :tdown:
just stumbled upon this:
There are no real absinthes in the US, and will not be anytime soon.
Real absinthes of the past contained thujone – but don’t take my word for it. Just three days ago, Dr W. Arnold (University of Kansas) noted the following in the Boston Herald:
"Perhaps to raise the titillation for the current product, and to increase sales, they now claim that the “old absinthe” also had very little thujone in it! Supposedly the current drink has very little of several other terpenoids that were part of “old absinthe” because the current producers have missed the importance of (or intentionally avoided) “steam distillation”…
Dr Arnold should know his stuff, since it was he who first tested pre-ban absinthes for thujone and other terpenoids. And guess what he found? Pre-ban absinthe sometimes contained up to 260mg/kg of thujone!
At that time, the self-styled “absinthe chemist” Mr. Ted Breaux was still backpacking in Thailand, the country where he later set up his first “absinthe” distillery (no, his PR people are not pushing this message). The “traditional” Made in Thailand
absinthe didn’t sell much, obviously. Since then, an intense PR campaign has been underway, promoting the deceptive no-thujone message.
The Reason Magazine ( also recently noted: "Even as (they) emphasize Lucid’s negligible thujone content, the drink’s manufacturer tries to capitalize on absinthe’s reputation as a forbidden potion with the slogan, “Prohibition is finally over!”…
To my knowledge, there are only two absinthes in existence that contain anywhere near pre-ban levels of thujone (100+ mg): King of Spirits Gold and Century Absinthe. Of these two, King of Spirits Gold does not follow the traditional distillation method (it’s an oil mix), so we are left with Century Absinthe as the only absinthe that resembles the pre-ban ones.
Neither of the two, nor any other genuine absinthe, will make it to the States anytime soon. For the real deal, you have to travel to Europe or have it shipped over. Yes, possession and importation for personal use is legal.
Hope to have clarified the issue. There is an ongoing debate regarding this among the absinthe community, with many people unhappy about Lucid’s marketing tactics. Just Google “lucid absinthe” for more – skip the official site and the (paid for) press coverage, and you will find plenty of blogs and forums where this is being discussed.
I had some in Canada tastes like shit, and i didnt feel anything exceot my wallet getting lighter at $12/drink :tdown:
this was probably it, Absinthe Red Devil - Fine Red Bohemian Style Czech Absinthe it has a really really low thujone %
I guess I’ve never had good absinthe. I’ve had it a few times but it just tasted like strong nasty black licorice liquor with the same effects. Maybe not enough wormwood?
x2 i bought a $100 bottle from spain and i just got hammered really fast, god it tasted awful though.
I want some…you make it?
ive never had it :gotme:
seems to me like one would be better off finding some real drugs if thats what theyre after.
I actually like the flavor of it. Absinthe is the same as pernod in flavors, but higher % by volume and it is a really great liquor to cook with. Try making a Bouillabaisse and finishing it with a splash of absinthe or pernod, and a splash of white wine. It really sets off the flavor of the saffron, and all of the seafood!
dammit, the good shit is crazy expensive
bumping this old thread… i want to get some. ive seen it in liquor stores but its not real
sell me some!
if someone wanted to go halfs i would buy a bottle of century… at $135 a bottle thats pretty pricey.
I’ve had homemade absinthe, it tastes like shit but definitely a way stronger drunk effect quicker, felt “different” than normal alcohol
holy sheeeeeet $216 for 23oz?!?!?!?!?!