Did something hit Sharpton on the head really hard

Because this sure doesn’t sound like the Sharpton we’ve come to know and hate.


Activist Rev. Al Sharpton made a stop in Buffalo Monday. He spoke bluntly about the changes he wants to see in the African American community, especially the younger generation.

“We act like, if a young person studies, speaks well and wants to be something, they’re acting white,” Sharpton told the Buffalo crowd.

WHAT? You’re not blaming whitey on the problems you face in today’s society? Who are you, and what have you done with the real Al?

Heh. Yeah, I heard a few sound bites on the news last night. It really didn’t sound like he was playing the victimization card. :tup:

I don’t know he is still using “acting white” as an insult…

The apocolypse is near?

:word: If JayS and Al Sharpton see eye to eye the world will implode. Kind of like when anti-matter and normal (?) matter meet. Kaboom!

I was thinking the same thing when I heard him speaking. He actually was making sense. ???


The apocolypse is near?


roffle, pretty much :ohnoes:

But hes still being a dick, just a toned down dick. If i were to say that if a guy wants to wear pants around his knees and live off of welfare was trying to be black i would get bitched at. He is dong the same thing people. Don’t give in to his tricks.


:word: If JayS and Hillary Clinton see eye to eye the world will implode. Kind of like when anti-matter and normal (?) matter meet. Kaboom!


Fixed, otherwise the world would have ended today.


I don’t know he is still using “acting white” as an insult…


not really…he’s saying the black community uses it as an insult


But hes still being a dick, just a toned down dick. If i were to say that if a guy wants to wear pants around his knees and live off of welfare was trying to be black i would get bitched at. He is dong the same thing people. Don’t give in to his tricks.


“We act like, if a young person studies, speaks well and wants to be something, they’re acting white,” Sharpton told the Buffalo crowd.

Read that again Rob. There is nothing insulting to white people there coming from Sharpton. All he’s saying is that the problem with ghetto culture is that they look down on the very ideals that would get them out of the ghetto.


Read that again Rob. There is nothing insulting to white people there coming from Sharpton. All he’s saying is that the problem with ghetto culture is that they look down on the very ideals that would get them out of the ghetto.


I said something along these lines in my “racist rant” in another thread and some jokes on this site said I was racist and ignorant. Or they didn’t really have an opinion and just put up a :picard: to try to be baller.

I can imagine that a few people on this site think Sharpton must be working for the white power groups now.





God damnit. Of course I would get that from you :clap:

Well played sir lol