Did you take your car out this weekend?

i took mine out last weekend… i would have taken it out this weekend if i had it.

fuck salt… i’ll crash it way before it rusts and long before i would even think about selling it.

if it was running then i would have been very temped to

i took my CRX out for a little bit

my car is sitting on jack stands.:frowning: but i woulda took it out. Also i made the mistake of driving mine through the snow after having rust removal done and it came back 2x as bad. back to the body shop after the turbo install is done.

pussies i drove mine all winter!

mine only starts if u jump it but i took it out for like a half hour lol

it runs??? man im behind…

I had out to go to Mighty yesterday, then out to do some tuning today.

i hate you.

im not a pussy my car is 35years old and from hawaii/cali. im not going to be driving it in snow:poke:

Northtown lexus has a black IS-F, spent most of my day there, hence never getting anything out of the garage.

man my shit still sleeping in the garage

Took the bike out for about an hour. It was cold but fun.

Haven’t really driven either of them in a while, but def. will soon…too many other things/changes going on.



well…my car is insured as of yesterday, probably grabbing it from storage maybe this weekend? not sure

10 day forcast still has snow until april 3rd … i’ll be waiting until after that

next year, I will be that guy
