Winter Cars

What are you driving for winter?

I’m at a cross-roads… i usually buy a beater or something decent and then flip it in the spring, but i have to drive something better this year…

As a result… i just arranged to pick up some 18" winter tires… going to drive the Kouki S14 through winter with a nice undercoating :slight_smile:

I figure i’m better off putting the money into maintenance on my DD than i am into something else.

SR20, coilovers, 2-way diff and a baby-seat… gonna be great

Sounds like fun, I’m prepping the 8 for the winter this weekend.


im driving my civic right now, which sucks. i will be driving my 92 accord as soon as i get it back, until i actually find a decent daily driver

Cars are meant to be driven. Europeans don’t buy BMWs and Porches to garage them- they drive them through the winter.
:tup: to actually using your car.


UGH I LOVE pulsar GTiR’s!!!

alas, I am driving a 1997 ford ranger. 2wd, 4cyl, 5spd…gonna be…interesting

drving the mazda 3 until i sell it. Once i sell the mazda im thinking about just driving the 240 through the winter…welded dif should make for an exciting winter lol


trying to decide if i want to bother with getting it undercoated or not

my volvo until my e30 is back on the road or I pick up a…ugh…truck lol.

It’s galvanized from the factory.


good news then im not going to waste my time y0!!!

hyundai accent 3 dr

aww yeah

Thanks, drove it last winter and couldn’t find a reason not to again. It is a 20k car at this point and well she is gonna see some snow! I still might grab a nice suv in the near future though but I want to have my fx7 build really close to done before I make other commitments financially.

Honda Element

A8 …

RUST CAN GO EAT A DICK … thank you audi engineers

I stopped buying beaters when they started leaving me stranded… or burned to the ground, lol.

2 winters on my 335i and things still look great under the car and etc… That OEM yellow/orange undercoating is everywhere, good stuff :tup:

335 is going away for the winter, I will be gaying it up in my mini cooper S for the winter

I used to do the winter beater thing (I miss it) but living out in the middle of nowhere, having a nice Cherokee as a year-round winter/work vehicle makes more sense.

99 Escalade.