Just curious, I’m waiting a little while longer for mine… the snow and salt is still around…
Mid-april. Shortly after 4-year anniversary of my car. :wiggle:
Yup, same here except it’ll be our 3rd anniversary together.
1 year here since last march hehe… but i will wait a little while longer… I miss driving my car.
april so i can sell it.
honda > nissan
I’m moving mine next week to put it back together…should be ready to go in a few weeks
Mines out now This should be the last winter for it as I’m doing a complete re-do of just about everything.
Mid April probably, as soon as the streets are clean then it goes straight to the shop to have some new goodies put on aswell as some frame work.
I have one on the road and working on the other. As soon as it fires up, i’ll insure it and drive it like it’s hot.
mid-april; re-spray colour change; bamboo pearl; S14 kouki
Followed by brake/susp. upgrades, hopefully plated for May 1st.
early to mid april for me i hope… tons of work to do
Early april i hope to have it in the shop…getting 5 speed swap done…so i will be driving it middle of april i hope…but ill prolyl work on it alot i wanna put new carpet in and redo the inside paint the floor the same colour as the outside will be so that means gutting the inside…not to hard lol
I drove my baby around my street today! wooo it felt good. not officially back for who knows when. see how the money works while in school.
took my car out for a short spin today
called insurance today too
tommaro ill hit ya up with a little bit of science.
for now, heres the short of it, salt has nothing to do with rust, its a catalyst.
more to come tommarow, its time to sleep now.
late july, licence problems
k, so salt does not start the rusting process.
the initial process needs two things to begin. bare metal (like the steel of your car) and some form of h20. this h20 can come in the form of a liquid from the ground or rain or from the moisture in the air we breathe.
now salt is simply a catalyst. this means that it does cirectly correlate to the rusting efect, it just speeds up the process.
so granted, as long as the roads are dry, a little bit of slat wont start rusting your car.
if your car is already rusting, then it may be carying a bit of moisture with the rust and then slat could speed up the process.
some will argue that regardless the h2o in the atmosphere will start oxidization on your car. this is true but the ammount of water in our air is not significant enough even combined with salt. t mot youl notice oxidization (surface rust) but not penetrating rust.
liquid h20 is the sure way youll know you could be in harms way.
with that said, if the roads are dry like they have been down here in niagara, then whatever salt manages to get locked into a section of your chassis will more then likely do nothing else but eventually dis-lodge itself in time.
with this same scenario, slat lodges somewhere where it can rest, if it rains later that day or you drive over a huge puddle and splash a secton of bare metal, the process is most likely to start.
however, the rusting process takes a lot longer then a few days worth of salt and water.
typically a few, entire, winter driving seasons is where you would begin to notice severe rust damage.
many people think of rust like bacteria. this is not a good comparison. bateria will divide and spread in most any given environment and is not dependent on some outside source to do so.
it is better to think of rust like human cancer. cancer is dependent on the body’s white blood cells in order to sustain.
picture cancer as rust and white blod cells and h20.
like with white blod cells, once you remove them or minimize them you minimize or stop the spreding of cancer. the same is true with rust. it is muually excusive to water. remove moisture and you stop rust.
getting rid of existing rust can be thought of in the same terms.
to remove cancer you cut it out at the source. this is the same with rust.
with that said, so even i you get your chassis wet and there sme sort of slt and bare metal present, yes the rusting effect will begin, but once the chassis dries of all mooisture then the rust cannot psread to fresh metal until new moisture has been introduced.
long stor short, your safe to drive yur car soon.
Paint and Bodywork complete by April 14…then back on the road!
Meh, I am shoot for May24.
I hope