Dips Track Day Aug 18th Pics

Tony Kloosterman - breaking in his new targa newfoundland motor.
he put 200kms on.

That thing looks dangerous…there was a whole mess of Targa cars at Dunnville today too.

Saw another Targa Subie at TMP testing out there…I think they thought I was a spy LOL.

PS: So lots of time left before snow when is the next one? Can I help?

Dave, it’s over. no more track days at dunnville this year :frowning: I wish there was though, i’d sign up in a heartbeat.

I’de be in also… I would love another dunnville day with a working clutch!

anyone can do it…
just gotta put up the 2k!

K well sheit man…I know you are down to organize as were a few others.

I know the track owner well, so I can get the ball rolling an what not if the Matty/Mael combo is busy.

Dave, if you really wanna set something up i’ll be more down than bing’s car was this year.

So count me in.

we are actualy talking about one more rest easy
date has not been set yet but when things get finalized it will be posted up right away.

and mike why always the pic with the hood up? lol, it ran good till the last session when my clutch/clutch pedal or some thing gave out and I had to stop so i could make it home.

Mael, don’t bother organising or coming to another dunnville day if you haven’t welded your turbo to manifold studs yet. :wink:

If there is another one, I’d love to see what the Lexus does on the track before the snow falls.

the only day open is the 15th of september, and it’s only open until the mini guys get there at 4pm.

to brake even i’d need 30 cars at 100$ a pop, considering that we didn’t even have 20 show up this weekend, i think i’ll pass on organizing it. Unless you guys can gaurentee me 30 cars by spetember 1st, it isn’t happening.

just a quick unedited vid

lots of wind noise and shitty quality video

the first s13 (champagne) is Fobwall

second (green) is Hurricane


//edit// the above vid is no longer available. i posted a high-definition vesion of the same unedited video. you’ll ahve to excuse the random footage in the middle i was trying to waste the last few seconds of tape :slight_smile: PS - WATCH IN FULL SCREEN THE QUALITY IS NICE :slight_smile:


sorry for the shitty editing and shitty video but i have no idea what im doing ;]

you’ll prob need to install the divx web player plug if you dont have it - but if you dont have it you’re missing out on some serious business high-definition youtube style video action.

720p high-def - click the full screen button!!


Thanks for putting me in the vids :squint:


you werent driving when i was filming from track side

but thanks for coming out

i’m in for a track day

just not saturday morning…

:moon: Last quote was back from 2003 I believe

:rofl: :bowdown: