hey guys does anybody know where i can find a dipstick for my sr just an oil dipstick that douchebag boost hungry took mine and i cant find another one

uhhh, try an importer. ANY imprter.

Its a dipstick… you dipshit.


Had too.

i believe the oem part number is Part#: 11140-52F00

lol he actually stole it? haha call me tomorrow and we will go get one

why would i steal your dip stick, seriously its a dip stick. i have never stole anything from anyone’s car(s). i would look at the person who else was in the shop with a rap sheet bigger then the yellow pages phone book.
if you stopped being stoned and opened your eyes you would see the big picture.

Are we talking about Dylan!? are we???

^ im not dropping names if your smart enough to figure it out cool but if not it dosent matter he knows who im talking about and im just defending myself that is all theres alot of people who can vouch for my honesty and helpfulness

Lol Mark, first person who came to my head


that just confirmed it…lol