Discuss / Brammo's Bike


This Enerta is what they gave the Atom up to focus on… I’m sure there were some fat grants though.

Seems like it would be awsome to commute with.

I fucking love all the electric technology coming out now.

Makes me wet.

I like that a lot. Would rock.

Sorry. I don’t like it.

Cost: $12.5K after all fees
Top speed: 60MPH.
Range: 43 miles
Charge time: 4 hours

All that is, is an over glorified moped with higher gearing for more top end and a bigger design to make it look like a motorcycle. And it has what, the equivilant of like 25HP? For that price range I would rather have a Ducatti.

Infinite Mpg is a nice plus.

For $4k you can buy electrical moped alternatives, for the money only few people will buy as a novelty, not as a solution to stop using gas.

Opens the door for the market though. Give an electrical bike I can track with top speed of 145mph and I’m going to the bank.

I can’t find the link but just a couple days ago I read on some blog about a guy who built an electric out of an old gsxr, that gets 150 miles, with 120 top speed and charge time of about 5 hours. The entire project cost him about 10k, probably labor included. The specs on enertia are a joke considering a faster one-off can be made cheaper.

Link or ban!

Firefox history search feature is great.
Here’s the link;

$10,300 for the project
1999 R1 as donor bike (probably could have been a lot cheaper with another body)
420 lbs
100 hp
top speed 150 mph
Range 60-100 miles (not quite what I thought it was but still a lot better then enertia)


I dont care for that one but there is a couple that I actually do kind of like. that r motards.



You missed the point Hank :slight_smile:
The one I posted is equal to a sport-bike in performance aside from it’s relatively small range. All those motards on the other hand top out at 60 mph. Who cares what it looks like if it performs like poo?

I dont believe i missed any point. thread was about elec. bikes… i simply stated i didn’t care for the one posted , meaning the first one. I never open the link to the one u posted . cause I simply didn’t see the link .
But I still like the other 2 bikes better. And what exactly was ur point , also ?

If I can find thr links I’ll post them up, but there are even cheaper alternatives for thr DIY model. They won’t have the top speed or the range (upto 15 miles) but it makes the daily commute for a lot of is free, especially if you can plug it in at work.

I wonder what motor he used. 100hp is a good amount for that size motor.

…it doesn’t have gears or a clutch. That’s the most fun part!

My point was that enertia’s specs are crap, and it’s obscenely overpriced for what it is. My link is there, I dunno why you can’t see it.
Oh and when you first posted I thought it was in response to the bike I posted, not to enertia.
My mistake.

that rear elka shock looks like it came off a mini-quad.

IMO, plug-in’s is what I would call “transitional technology”, electrically powered cars is as old as the combustion engine. However, it never gain the popularity to take the center stage.

We are trained as a “I need it nao” sociality. Until we have the infrastructure to fill-up our tank with hydrogen in minutes for fuel cells, electric powered vehicle that rely on plug-in’s can only work in an “hybrid” environment.

While I do believe these kind of “transitional technology” is essential to the development of electrically powered vehicle by advancing the development of technologies in conserving, storing and regenerating power. At this stage it can only be something for a specific group of people who truly believe in it and willing to partly fund the development as a novelty buy.