
A new trend in car tuning culture?


Probably not.

GTFO is that for real…It must be a joke…of course I’m talking about his hair…The car is awesome…Completely functional…

yah… i would drown him if he was my kid

so… its a rolling fire hazard

WTF is that freaking thing

The guy or the car?

Everyone is now dumber for having watched that

It shows in your grammar :lol

oh my god hahahahahaha I’m dying laughing

how does this possibly pass inspection? or does it not have to because they want the guy to blow up or something? haha

^^ :rofl

With his mind

Michigan is full of wonderful people.
i love how they show you what part of the state they are from my pointing at different parts of their hand.

Is he one of those crackhead hobos that hoard random stuff?
It looks like he held up a thrift store and glued all the loot onto the car.
Don’t get me started on the way that dude sounds and looks…

“and then I also have a hammer”


I WAS DYING AT THAT PART :rofl:rofl:rofl

:rofl Thats awesome, I need more switches.

This is what happens when the short bus breaks down infront of a local Radio Shack.

LMAO its like a partially retarded steve(^) on crack