District 9 movie trailer (HD)

Looks pretty damn cool. What do you guys think?

Looks good but ive been thrown off by alot of trailers lately…

looks good.

Looks alright. Peter jackson is usually pretty good as well.

I just hope it won’t end up being another cheezy movie. Or even a good movie with a rushed sloppy ending.

I’ll buy it from “block buster” for sure.


District 9 Trailer uncensored [HD]

**edit, this means you can see the face of the alien, and it subtitles the stuff said.

I looks good, I have always loved these Alien movies eve since I was little, I remember classics like “V” and Alien Nation.

It should be good!.. I hope!.. Sometimes trailers make a movie look awesome and then when you see the movie it’s like “WTF? this movie sucks!”

New trailer is out!

Sick!!! I can’t wait to see this movie!