DIY Honda ECU chipping

Well the purpose of this thread is to show the honda heads and anyone that wants to know how to chip a Honda ECU. This will be 2 parts, the first part is a How to convert your P05/P06 to a P28. To those who don’t know, P05 and P06 ECU’s are non-VTEC and P28 ECU’s are designed for VTEC Engines.

The second part will be how to chip a Honda ECU…i just have to get a chipping kit first :stuck_out_tongue: anyway here we go…

How to convert your P05/P06 to a P28:

Before you start, grab a beer, put on some music, movie, or your favorite video of your neighbors daughter. Be ready to be patient and take your time.

First off let’s figure out what ECU board you have. This DIY is for a 1720 board which can be found on top of the ECU.

Okay…so we have a 1720 board. Next is laying out the components that came in your VTEC conversion kit and finding out where each one goes. You’re going to have to solder 9 components for a P05 and 8 for a P06.

Pics of components and spot they go:

In Spot IC14, solder this part

In spots Q26/Q30 solder these transistors. Q30 is only needed for P05 ECU’s (so the ECU can run a 4 wire o2 sensor) The transistors are directional so look at other ones on the board or look how I soldered them.

In spot C60 solder this little number. It’s polarized so be careful to solder it correctly, you can see the + sign on it and you can see the + on the board as well…so just match it up

In spot R67 goes this resistor, its a 820 ohm resistor (Gray, Red, Maroon, and Gold Stripes)

In spot D11 goes this diode. Pay attention to the direction, you can look at the other diodes on the board to solder it in correctly.

Okay…now in Spot RM11. If your ECU is auto you will not need to do this…but if it is manual you have to. There is 8 solder points. 1 is on the left (holes are figured left to right, ECU plugs are on the left)

From pin 1 to 2…10k Ohm (Gold, Orange, Black, Brown)
From pin 2 to 3…51K Ohm (Gold, Orange, Maroon, Green)
From pin 3 to 8…12k Ohm (Gold, Orange, Red, Brown)

If you can’t see the colors like me…use a DVOM and figure out which one goes where by finding out the restitant values.

Okay so now we now what is what and we can begin soldering. It may be hard to find all the locations on the board…but just take your time and everything is located in the upper left of the board for the most part.

So now we start de-soldering everything we have to. It should look something like this.

Now after you go through all the points on the board…start soldering parts in.

Here you can see IC14, C60, R67, and at J10 you have to solder a jumper in (use a piece of a resistor)

Here is D11…note the direction of the diode.

Here is Q26/Q30 again note the direction of the transistors.

And here is spot RM11…this might be a little tricky…just take your time.

And voile you’re done! It’s not complicated…just time consuming. So take your time and be patient. If any of the OG Honda guys have any input for this please post it up. Enjoy

:edit: If anyone needs help or is looking into doing this, just shoot me a PM and I’m more than happy to help.

Good DIY man!!!

good shit

thanks :slight_smile:

very nice where are you ordering the chipping kit from?

thanks…i’ll be ordering it from xenocron.

nice dude. i love ECU mods regardless of the make. :slight_smile:


GREAT write up
DIY ECU chipping ftw

Nice writeup. What do you use for soldering that small of shit? Any specific gauge solder? Tiny soldering tip? Any techniques you use to keep solder from dripping somewhere it shouldn’t?

the diameter of the solder i used was like .32 or .35" i believe. To keep the solder from dripping, i put the parts through the de-soldered areas, folded over excess material i didnt need, and then i would heat up the legs of the parts and then put the solder to them and solder the board.

Since the parts are so tiny, the board and parts heat up almost instant.

did you change my location? lol

i like that super thin silver solder from radio shack for small stuff like this. 30w (iirc) iron. nothing special. 10$ RS special.


Gotcha. Doesn’t sound too tricky. I just ask because most of my solder jobs wind up looking like someone tried to connect two wires with a welder. I can only imagine the mess I’d make of a PCB. :stuck_out_tongue:

Nope, didn’t change your location.

I don’t even own one - and this is ridiculously good shit. Play with those little circuit board kits as a kid?

These boards are pretty striaght forward, however if you aren’t experienced with soldering, there’s a chance you can fuck it up and possibly damage the ecu. And for the JDM ecus with the surface mount components, you better be real good with a soldering iron because those are super easy to fuck up. I did fuck up my jdm p30, but fixed it with my superskillz yo. :slight_smile:

Happy chipping!

the sk5151 can be replaced with an ir6220 (5151’s are getting increasingly harder to find in bulk), you just need to swap legs 1 and 5. DO NOT use a sk5050.

when you add your write up on chipping please add a section about adding a datalogging cable, and we will stick this in the tech write up section.


and here, this should also be helpful

^^ i still need my db9 changed to a usb…

good wright up