DnB heads

For all you drum n bass fans out there I’m just wondering if any of you know where I can get

DJ Finny - Tardis Sound ( August 2005 )

I’ve searched all over the net

I’ve tried torrent sites, soulseek, limewire

maybe theres somewhere I’m not looking :gotme:

Satellite Records or Breakbeat Science? :stuck_out_tongue:

Where did you hear it?

Probably on DIFM?

I’ll look around.

EDIT_ http://forums.di.fm/showthread.php?p=2070312

Is that where ya heard it?



Yah, I heard it on di.fm

Here I thought we were going to Dave and Busters :frowning:

So I take it the Pendulum CD didn’t convert you… :stuck_out_tongue: