Do Guys Go Tanning ???

The tanning salon screwed up if you burnt at all… means they let you go in for too long your first time and they should have known better if you told them you burn easily… It is normal to feel more awake the next day you are getting the sunlight you miss out on this time of year which in turn gives you vitamin D and whatnot…

As for how long you are able to stay in is based on the length of the max for the booth and the lotion you are using as well as your ability to burn vs tan. Don’t be scared of the beds they are totally safe and acctually very relaxing… but you should switch between the 2 for the best results.

Actually a lot of guys from college students, businessmen etc do go tanning… I have probably 10-15 guys come in to tan each day. Some try to hide others have no problem with waiting…

This is very common… I have a lot of couples come in where the gf has convinced him to come and get a base before vactaion…