im going to a tanning salon right now

dont want to look like a pale fat blob in front of all the ladies this weekend for lifeguard training. :hs:

does this make me gay?



you always were gay, and a tan will not help in any way


I don’t even want to know where you found that, I clicked it here at work without thinking and I had the speakers turned up, bastage. :D:D:D

haha…i have perma-mute… didn’t even know it had sound!!!

my bad

good so now you will look like a brown fat blob!!! go you!


sig material


i bet he falls alseep in the bed and turns in to lobster man

Be_Rad was the ultimate lobster man

I’m pretty sure you have this thing called a ‘sun’ on OC… just use that instead of a tanning booth… it’s much less gay and allows you to accomplish things while you are in it.

i have my tan 24/7/365


worthless thread

awww cmon. That shit was too easy. I would have expected a comment like this from sonny or chad, but you… :hs:

my aunt owns a tanning salon in hampton… about a third of the customers are men, and most of them don’t love teh cawk, so i think you’ll be alright
