Straight men who wear make-up, and the women who find it attractive

Ok, so I was unaware that this was a thing.

recently I saw this buzzfeed article

written by a woman. I commented that I’ve always just assumed that if you’re a guy who waxes his face and wears make-up, you like men. not that there is anything wrong with that.

I didn’t think any straight man would put on make up and I certainly wouldn’t think that any women would find that attractive.

needless to say I got a mixed response, some women saying that they prefer men that wear make-up

what the fuck, man?

does anyone know any straight men that wear make up?? I knew a guy who wore make-up but he was totally gay and was in my photography class at ecc. he used to develop all kinds of racy photos of half naked men in the dark room. he was a pretty good guy. wore a lot of tank tops. his name was Garrett

Had a random zit once conveniently the day of a friends wedding, gf covered it with makeup in about 10 seconds. I wasn’t mad.

When I was more into MMA I used to put cover up on black eyes before work, but otherwise WTF for a man!



You seem to know alot about this Garrett fellow…

Threads Honda owners post :lol:

HAHA, you asked for it Jam, lol.

work hard, troll harder

He’s getting better at posting these marginal political threads that trigger a red-blooded “this country is going to hell” reaction :wink:

I put some of my mom’s foundation on a zit before my prom date got there.

Wound up sucking like 6 dicks.

Would not recommend.


I would rather wear as much make up as Mimi from Drew Carey then have the name Garrett. Garrett just sounds like a kid who is going to get beat in school and eventually kill himself.

he was a good guy! i’m married to a woman, I cant be friendly to gay people?

I acutally saw a friend of mine this past weekend who is gay. I have a handful of gay friends.

and for Garrett, I saw him at frizzys last year. we talked for a few minutes and this super drunk guy kept trying to talk to him… I don’t think he realized he was a guy lol.


      • Updated - - -

per usual, a post that contributes nothing to the conversation. way to go!

the funnier thing, everyone else that shared that video, their car is most definitely slower than my “gay” Honda (that I also drive to work literally every day when there isn’t snow on the ground)

and this guy shared a video when he ran a 11.7 in his supercharged vette? LOLLLLLLL

didn’t gennaro run that in his “gay” mildly built, full interior Honda? looks like someone needs a driver mod! :lol:

Sorry you drive your shitty Civic to work everyday?

Yep 11.7 @ 132 first pass down the track with that setup from idle…Feel free to go beat that time instead of talking shit with Gennaros old POS lol.

don’t feel sorry for me. I love driving it. I don’t think its shitty.

sorry you have to insult other peoples vehicles in a poor attempt to make yourself feel better

I would love to make it to the track, but having my daughter come 2 months early, and spend almost a month in the nicu and working 2nd shift have killed any chance of getting to empire

I plan on going one of the last Saturdays theyre open, in October, when the season is over. I have slicks mounted and balanced. im hoping to break into the 11’s. 2240 lb with me in it, and 352 hp on donivans dyno = it shouldn’t be too hard. if not, a few more psi and 400 hp it is. :tup:

until then ill just keep driving it to work. 34 mpg last tank!

My car was never a POS for the record. I would’ve gladly ran your white POS at the time Sherm.

Not it sure why times from 5+ years ago are being brought into this, lol.


its super common knowledge that gennaros old integra ran 11.4 consistently. he posted the slips on fb, on here, hes told me in person when he was helping me put my car together.

I don’t know what your fucking problem is or why you have such a hard on for me but man. this is getting ridiculous! lol