Do people who suck know that they suck?

That’s the story I got too, IMO any XXXriders site consists of idiots and d-bags.

If you have “bad dreams” like this, you might suck…

Lol, they banned me from 716riders.

and deleted all your post’s

Boo those whores. Now I have nothing to do this week.

so if it safe to assume that most riders suck and don’t know they do?

That specific group, yes.

We call them squids, they call themselves bro and dude. Think stereotypical “I’m badass” sportbike rider…that’s what were talking about.

i cant log on to their site =(

“People at the bottom still think they’re outperforming other people,”

This will explain a lot.

It turns out that incompetent people are too incompetent to recognize their own incompetence.

Luckily, we don’t just have to take the incompetent people’s word for it – there’s years of rigorous study to back this up.

For more than a decade, David Dunning, a psychologist at Cornell University, has found in his research that it’s “intrinsically difficult to get a sense of what we don’t know.”

Dunning, working with Justin Kruger, a former colleague at Cornell now at New York University, told Life’s Little Mysteries, that in their studies, they give people a short test, tally their scores, then ask the subjects how they think they did.

People who didn’t do well on the test are only slightly less confident about their ability than those who performed well.

And everyone thinks they did better than average – even people who did very poorly on the test.

“People at the bottom still think they’re outperforming other people,” Dunning said.

It doesn’t matter what the test is about – logical reasoning, how to avoid sexually transmitted diseases, grammar, the funniness of jokes.

Even when Dunning and his colleagues offer a $100 reward to those who can rate themselves accurately, study participants just can’t do it.

This inherent inability to accurately gauge our own level of knowledge may be an underlying cause of many of society’s ills, including climate change denialism, Dunning said.

“Many people don’t have training in science, and so they may very well misunderstand the science. But because they don’t have the knowledge to evaluate it, they don’t realize how off their evaluations might be,” he said.

Stay tuned. There’s more to come. Dunning’s related interest: “how people bolster their sense of self-worth by carefully tailoring the judgments they make of others,” he writes on the Cornell faculty website.

“That is, people tend to make judgments of others that reflect favorably back on themselves, doing so even when the self is not under explicit scrutiny.”

climate change denialism is wicked.

I’ve thought about this for the past 6 years, since it was originally posted, and I have finally come to a conclusion.

No, they have no idea.

Fantastic bump :clap: