Do Visa or MasterCard gift cards work on ebay?

Like the title states I happen to have one for the amount of 80.00 dollars and was wondering if these work on ebay or not.

i don’t know if they do or not, but you could just go to tops (i think that’s where my aunt said she bought one) and buy an ebay gift card. those things are pretty much idiot proof to use.

oh no shit i didn’t know they made those, awesome what amouts do they have?

neither did i until i got one. i have no idea what the denominations are. i wouldn’t be surprised if you just name the amount and they load the card. you buy the card, buy something on ebay, enter in the code for the card that’s located on the back of it, pay the balance with paypal if necessary, receive item, move on with your life. they are super easy to use.

had no idea they made those but thanks i will use that visa to get that! lolz

shit looks like they only come in 25 and 50 dollar cards that’s no help to me since i need 80 dollars

buy a $25 and a $50? spend the other $5 anywhere else, at any other time? this isn’t rocket science.

They are considered debit cards so I’d say so, ask ebay.

ebay gift card :tup:

Are you talking about the 1-time use cards that you toss when they’re depleted?

yes they work, and are much better than using paypal, since paypal is basically a thief under the guise of a corporation.

so i can use it with my paypal confirmed addy correct?

You can use it to pay people back too.

You should be able to use it with a PayPal account…it functions just like a debit card.

