Do you have a lawnmower? Do you Like money? Do you hate corruption?

Actually the companies are scum in this case.

this is a RICO case, look it up, what they did was so totally fucked up, and the fact that the engine manufacturers and the chassis manufacturers were in cahoots to scam millions of people makes them deserving of every bit of punishment they get.

RICO has like 10 qualifications for racketeering like murder, bribery, embezzlement, etc. None of which are lying to people IIRC. How is this a RICO case? [not a lawyer]

If you’re buying a lawn mower and totally trust the hp rating on the side of it, you’re out of your mind. Stupid buyers that want to be protected from their stupidity are the scum in this case.

But hell if it’s true, they deserve the settlement.

Edit: Wrong, it does include fraud! Whataya know…

Shut the fuck up.

It’s fraud bro. Gtfo.

The fact the they were charging more for the same product, only re-stickered is the problem.

My bad! It does include fraud… didnt know that. Interesting.

Lawyers have to prove they knew about the HP difference, good luck with that. Manufacturer lawyers will shut that shit down real quick.

Shit too bad my old Lawn Boy blew up a few years ago. It had a good run of 16 years though.

We’ll just import mowers from Korea :thumbup

only serial numbers thank god. im going to go searching for more hehe.

hahahha on the hunt for serial numbers

stealing family and neighbors serial numbers now


fuck yeah! +rep

I have a 1967 Bolens 1050, shit pulls wheeliez. My uncle went through the motor years back and ported/polished it :lol

I did that with a push mower once, the guy who’s mower it was told us to do it while he was tripping on mushrooms, apparently the dude worked for Briggs and Stratton or something in the past so he knew how to get them apart quickly, had the thing torn down, polished, and put together in like 2 hours :rofl

this was when i was like 14 mind you.