Do you like Cavi Mike?

Cavispeed lololol

if it comes to that
id make sure i got banished

I lol’d

I think i might rather have ericvw around than cavimike.

Bashing me and ericvw in one sentence? How the hell did you become a mod here? I’ve never seen anything like it.

actually, it was almost a comment to eric.

nothing you post is relevant, and you have the most fucked up thought process i’ve come across.

and i became a mod here because im bad ass bro.

Aweee now my feeling are hurt.

Sorry I just let people know when they are stupid. I kind of see myself as helping the forum. Such as when people post threads that could easily be answered with a simple I let them know they suck.

Keep telling yourself that.

AHha geehee nice post in the do people know they suck thread. Whats your excuse for sucking. And your badass? IMHO your a d bag. Have a great day.

Sounds like your average machinist mentality to me.
So I found a machinist joke.

You know you are a machinist when:
*It’s dark when you drive to and from work
*Conversations with fellow workers often begin
with “Please put the gun down and
then we can talk”
*You see a well dressed person and you
know he is a visitor
*“Only thing you’ve had published is a letter
to Penthouse Forum”
*Boss hires Dr Kevorkian as personnel consultant
*You’ve worked at the same machine 4 years
and worked for 3 different companies
*Rumors, Rumors, Rumors
*“Doing your nails” requires an
air compressor and a power sander.
*In his life, will eat own weight in Slim Jims
*Weekends are those days your wife
makes you stay home
*Guard at guard shack nervously
fingers his revolver when you pass by
*After your hands become coated with coolant
your nose will begin to itch or you’ll have to pee.
*Employee discount days discontinued
at Ammo Attic

  • Dream vacation is a room full of
    fluorescent lights and unlimited
    supply of coffee
    *You get excited about a 3% raise

*Too many decisions are measured with
a micrometer, marked with chalk, and
cut with an axe

*What do CNC Programmers use for
birth control? Their personalities

I liked that except I use a surface grinder to do my nails. I don’t really get the dream vacation part.

Give it a few more years. Machinist’s really do have odd personalities, your just not old enough to understand. Maybe when your 26 you will fit your demographic better. :smiley:

I’m 30. I just realized it was talking about the break room. I prefer to eat outside or stay at my machine because break room drama gets on my nerves.

Damn… I thought you were 21 or something… oops.

Yup. thats how it starts… Your going to be the weird outcast.
The breakroom drama you speak nyspeed v.yourwork.

you are 30? Why do you act like a 18 year old high school girl?

Because Cavi Mike SUCKS.

haha great thread… Nyspeed comes together lol

Actually I should have said gossip, drama I don’t really mind, prolly why I come here so much.