Do you like Journey? They have a new lead singer


some random asian guy - who is now their new lead singer…

The rest of the band can go find IT jobs but hes pretty damn good.

Can’t really tell, but that’s an amazing Billy Joel cover band called Big Shot. He matches Billy’s and Journey’s voice perfectly… it’s absurd when you’re there.

lol, I bought my Mazda MPV from Wantagh Mazda lol

Yeah, his Billy Joel is sick, pretty ok for the Journey.

that guy sounds just like steve perry … he’s been on tour with them for about a year now …

no more steve not perry aucherri?

wow very good

damn pretty good, im sure they got a bit of a boost recently with that sopranos disgrace.

That wasn’t journey in the video, that is the singer’s old band.

impressive, we’ll have to karaoke that next time howie :wink: I think we can hit the notes perfect and dont forget to love the carmera, love the camera

You can see steves package in those tight ass pants, not like I was looking or anything.

i am a big fan… im awaiting there new cd this spring/summer hopefully a tour to come along with it

Journey is amazing.

i saw them with def leppard

they fuckin blow

ban hondaride immediately.

lol why bc i don’t like journey… loser

no because u saw def leppard

umm… they were before journey cock…and they were even worse lol

meaning you just also dissed all the journey fans

ban time.

Yes, I know. And, they fucking blow.

Before I clicked it I knew he was oing to be Philipeno. There were always these “dead on” Philipeno cover bands that would travel all over the place, overseas bases and what not.

Now he needs to cover Geoff Tate.

journey started in 71 u tard.

def leppard was in 77
