thats because hondas are popular, and people DRIVE them… not hate on them. hondas are like legos. any problem you may have usually can be easily fixed/ remedied very easily. i think the most frequent problem of all my freinds boosted hondas was a blown charge pipe. what boosted vehicle doesnt have that problem? and thanks for proving my point. YOU think YOUR car is “fucking cool as shit”… well people that own hondas think they are “fucking cool as shit” hence why they own it… and hence why you own your vehicle… cause you like it… it sounds like to me and probably alot of people on this board that your just hating for no reason. i bet there are alot of people that think to themselves… why would i spend 45k on a car when i could just buy a (240, honda, dsm, whatever) and spend the rest on something else?.. i doubt they think that they go around making dumb threads asking why people mod the cars that they mod or theyre reasoning. maybe your just not a normal car enthusiast…
My point in starting this thread was to see how many other people know that modding FWD cars, especially hondas, is fucking retarded, that’s all.
you know who would really agree with you newman, that 300zx kid who was bashed outta here, he guarenteed his vehicle could beat any FWD car, LOLOLOLOL
i just hate the excuse “i mod my car with shitty things because i’m poor”. If you can’t afford it, don’t do it. You’re not fooling anyone into thinking you’re rich with a mismatched multicolored body kit on your rusted out civic hatch. I don’t know how anyone thinks that something so half-assed actually looks good or gives a good impression of the owner.
If i shit in a brown paper bag and wrote MUGEN on it, I could probably have a potential honda fanboi buyer in just a few hours. I think that’s the point i’m getting from this thread, and i agree
just want to throw this out there… a lot of people dont think that Hondas/Acuras/FWD cars are cool anymore, but some of the fastest cars on this board are or were FWD (mindless, elmistorio, layzie, king sario). How many “cool” cars have these guys taken down with their “non-cool” cars?
modding FWD car has its drawbacks yes, other than that. FAIL.
But race cars are AWD or RWD, I WIN!!!1111111
when you actually finish your del sol and make over 300whp you will see how gay fwd is…
its gayer than 9 guys fucking 10 guys.
it sucks so fucking bad.
yes i own a turbo civic.
yes i love-ed it.
yes its fun for me.
yes i want to sell it because i know how much it sucks.
fwd 4 cyl suck balls.
i love lamp
Not true at all, most of the fastest cars on the board are RWD or awd.
Turbociv, Turbols1, Emery, Timmy, etc.
Didn’t voltron run a 10?
Mindless is quick, as was misterioso, but they’re by no means the fastest.
In fact, according to the 1/4 mile leaderboard, only 10% of the fastest cars on this board are FWD.
side note- my engine is done and I am putting it back together:eekdance:
but still who cares, I say enjoy what you have and rock it, if your busy chasing fads then your not a real car guy, your just a guy chasing fads, I dont care what the fuck people own, like stated before, I wish the people that owned a lot of the nicer cars werent such douches in real life.
Enjoy rocking whatever you have, and fuck the people that give you shit for what you own.
I’m an engineer, I just have an aversion to sucky ideas. Like modding hondas.
Who gives a shit about a leaderboard?
ScSpeeds integra runs the same as bueme’s evo, scspeed would rape the SHIT out of mikes car
like you have any idea what your talking about…
What does that even mean?
From a roll on the highway? On a road course?
My car decelerates faster than probably all of those drag cars… does that mean my car would rape them?
My point is that there are good ideas and bad ideas.
Modding a honda and thinking it’s cool is a BAD IDEA.
How did you civic go?
How did your other civic go?
How is your 240 going to go?
getting into girls pants- Good idea
Wearing girls pants- Bad Idea