Does anyone have..

canadiandrifter240sx’s (aka Chris) phone number?

he’s not on the board that much, so he might not get all the PM’s on time…


somone must have his phone number… I just need to give the guy a call cuz he hasn’t checked his PM’s yet…

Bing, Jesse, or Theo should have it…

Or JDMRIDE (Chris did his wiring)


he works 4-8:30 5 days a week, give him a call in the evening.

if you have any immediate questions i may be able to answer them

Thanks Bing :slight_smile:
I’ll give him a call tonight probably.

he sometimes doesnt answer if he doesnt know whos calling because he has pay as you go, he works 8-4:30pm ill see him tonight around 9:20 and ask if he talked to you.

Ah I see…
That’s no problem. I’ll give him a call and if he doesn’t answer, just tell him to call me on my cell 647-869-0059.

Thanks again guys.