Does anyone know anything about this car?

i can handle for being a truck, IAS and drop helps along with a good stiff sidewall, as for breaking i got some decent brakes [cam does pull vacum but stil lstops]

yes motor swap is modded in those terms

as for racing a neon, its about class and not worth the time…sorry

as for a civic…please show me a civic or other 4banger that weighs in around 3400lbs and can turn a 12 unboosted. cause now youre dealing with weight

i have a car thats lightend but not sure i want ot finish it. anyone can built a car like that. takes alttle more to push more weight and go same times. youll get more attention going 10s in a truck then you would a typical camaro

Parish is known world wide, how many cars go 10s daily? Black sheep isnt as known to some as Parish but he was the first to go 9s and will be known. Fuck im known on the net with my truck.

then you have diesels which some are knocking on 11s and they weigh in how much? shit 9k in weight going 12s is insane but then you have 2200lbs going 10s… woopie do, you can built a Factory 5 and go 11s with a stock motor